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Last active April 25, 2023 14:33
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private function handlePaydayInvoiceUpdate($invoice_id, $action) {
$body = [];
if ($action == 'PAID') {
$body["status"] = "PAID";
$body["paidDate"] = Carbon::now()->toDateTimeString();
$body["paymentType"] = "d4a76367-d9dc-4fd0-9671-f789fee6cd16";
if($action === "REFUND") {
$body["status"] = "CREDIT";
if($action === "CANCEL") {
$body["status"] = "CANCELLED";
$customer_invoice = Http::withHeaders([
"Authorization" => 'Bearer ' . $this->payday_credentials['accessToken'],
'Api-Version' => 'alpha'
])->put($this->payday_url . "/invoices/$invoice_id", $body);
return $customer_invoice->body();
public function updatePaydayInvoice(PosRequest $pos_request, string $invoice_id) {
$request_all = $pos_request->all();
$action = $request_all['action'];
$updateInvoice = $this->handlePaydayInvoiceUpdate($invoice_id, $action);
if ($updateInvoice) {
return ApiResponse::make('updated invoice', []);
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