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Created August 17, 2015 02:26
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the Service
app.factory('appDBBridge', [
function (Q, $injector, PouchDB) {
return {
* returns a document saved in the db
* @param {[type]} query [description]
* @param {[type]} collectionName Usually a string which should be a dot-notation representation
* of the serice/factory name and the method to call.
* @return {[type]} Promise
selectOneDoc: function selectOneDoc (query, collectionName) {
collectionName = _.kebabCase(collectionName);
var q = Q.defer(), docid = '';
if ( || query._id) {
docid = || query._id;
PouchDB.get(collectionName + docid)
.then(function (doc) {
//return the first result.
}, function (err) {
//if the document isnt found,
//i use a resolve so the state
//transitions successfully allowing the
//controllers to initialize. we can call
//for data from the server in our controller
//which will update our db for subsequent
if (err.status === 404) {
} else {
.catch(function (err) {
return q.promise;
* invokes a angularjs module service or factory method, using
* the $injector service .get method and passing arguments with
* .apply()
* @param {[type]} serviceMethod expects a string with dot-notation,
* which is the name of the service / factory and the method it should
* execute.
* @param {[type]} args arguments to be passed to the factory
* @return {[type]} [description]
callServiceMethod: function callServiceMethod (serviceMethod, args) {
var $_service;
var service_name = serviceMethod.split('.')[0];
var service_method = serviceMethod.split('.')[1];
$_service = $_service || $injector.get(service_name);
return $_service[service_method].apply(null, args);
fetchAndSyncDataToScope: function fetchAndSyncDataToScope (docId, serviceMethod, args) {
// var q = Q.defer();
var self = this;
//check for data if docId is supplied
//fetch data using the service and argument, callServiceMethod.
//this expects a thennable promise is returned.
return self.callServiceMethod(serviceMethod, args)
.then(function(returnedDoc) {
var q = Q.defer();
//there's a chance our result is a $http promise object.
//which means the data we need is on the .data property
if (returnedDoc) {
var saveThisDoc = || returnedDoc;
// var service_name = serviceMethod.split('.')[0];
if (_.isArray(saveThisDoc)) {
saveThisDoc = self.prepArraytoObject(saveThisDoc);
return self.updateDBCollection(serviceMethod, saveThisDoc);
q.reject(new Error('no document fetched'));
return q.promise;
// .then(self.syncScope(), function (err) {
// return q.reject(err);
// })
// .catch(function (err) {
// return q.reject(err);
// });
// //might not come this far,
// //fallback promise
// return q.promise;
updateDBCollection: function updateDBCollection (collectionName, doc, upsert) {
var q = Q.defer(),
docid = '',
self = this;
collectionName = _.kebabCase(collectionName);
if ( || doc._id) {
docid = || doc._id;
doc.remoteid = docid;
function retryUntilWritten(doc) {
return PouchDB.put(doc)
.catch(function (err) {
if (err.status === 409) {
return retryUntilWritten(doc);
} else { // new doc
return PouchDB.put(doc);
//find the update
self.selectOneDoc(doc, collectionName)
.then(function (foundDoc) {
//create a new entry
if (upsert || !foundDoc) {
doc._id = collectionName + docid;
if (foundDoc){
//using lodash omit to remove the _id
doc._id = foundDoc._id;
doc._rev = foundDoc._rev;
// console.log(JSON.stringify(doc));
// return PouchDB.put(doc);
return retryUntilWritten(doc, foundDoc);
.then(function () {
}, function (err) {
// i use a resolve here, its kind of a fail safe,
// since pouchdb gets to throw errors
// reject promise when there are document conflicts
.catch(function (errFindnDoc) {
return q.promise;
* converts an array to an object that can be saved
* using PouchDB. each or
* @param {[type]} queueData array containing values to be saved.
* @return {[type]} [description]
prepArraytoObject: function prepArraytoObject (queueData) {
var endObject = {};
for (var i = queueData.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
endObject[i] = queueData[i];
return endObject;
prepObjectToArray: function prepObjectToArray (queueObject, iterator) {
var endArray = [], values = _.values(queueObject);
for (var i = values.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
return endArray;
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