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Last active June 11, 2023 15:41
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Basic Hello world in Python with corresponding unittest
__author__ = 'k0emt'
class Greeter:
def __init__(self):
self.message = 'Hello world'
# print self.message
__author__ = 'k0emt'
import unittest
from Experiment import Greeter
class MyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
def test_default_greeting_set(self):
greeter = Greeter()
# this test will fail until you change the Greeter to return this expected message
self.assertEqual(greeter.message, 'Hello world!')
if __name__ == '__main__':
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Thank you k0emt - totally what I needed to get a basic understanding of what unittest was about!

To help others understand in change 'self.assertEqual(greeter.message, 'Hello world!')' to expect something slightly different such as 'self.assertEqual(greeter.message, 'Hello world?')' to get a failure message :) This means that the expected message was not received thus the failure, otherwise if the expected message was received (i.e. they match) then it prints out OK after the test is run.

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k0emt commented Feb 2, 2013

IsraelTorres thanks for the suggestion. I updated the gists to be initially failing. Change the greeter code to match the test and they pass.

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Thanks for this, I was looking for a simple example and this is exactly what I needed.

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Have a look at this with additional basic test cases appended to the above python files.
Thank You!

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