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Created October 2, 2019 20:27
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R function to return material design color palettes.
mdp <- structure(
color = rep(
x = c(
"amber", "blue", "brown", "cyan", "deepOrange", "deepPurple",
"green", "grey", "indigo", "lightBlue", "lightGreen", "lime",
"orange", "pink", "purple", "red", "teal", "yellow"
each = 10
level = rep(
x = c(50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900),
each = 18
hex = c(
"#fff8e1", "#ffecb3", "#ffe082", "#ffd54f",
"#ffca28", "#ffc107", "#ffb300", "#ffa000", "#ff8f00", "#ff6f00",
"#e3f2fd", "#bbdefb", "#90caf9", "#64b5f6", "#42a5f5", "#2196f3",
"#1e88e5", "#1976d2", "#1565c0", "#0d47a1", "#efebe9", "#d7ccc8",
"#bcaaa4", "#a1887f", "#8d6e63", "#795548", "#6d4c41", "#5d4037",
"#4e342e", "#3e2723", "#e0f7fa", "#b2ebf2", "#80deea", "#4dd0e1",
"#26c6da", "#00bcd4", "#00acc1", "#0097a7", "#00838f", "#006064",
"#fbe9e7", "#ffccbc", "#ffab91", "#ff8a65", "#ff7043", "#ff5722",
"#f4511e", "#e64a19", "#d84315", "#bf360c", "#ede7f6", "#d1c4e9",
"#b39ddb", "#9575cd", "#7e57c2", "#673ab7", "#5e35b1", "#512da8",
"#4527a0", "#311b92", "#e8f5e9", "#c8e6c9", "#a5d6a7", "#81c784",
"#66bb6a", "#4caf50", "#43a047", "#388e3c", "#2e7d32", "#1b5e20",
"#fafafa", "#f5f5f5", "#eeeeee", "#e0e0e0", "#bdbdbd", "#9e9e9e",
"#757575", "#616161", "#424242", "#212121", "#e8eaf6", "#c5cae9",
"#9fa8da", "#7986cb", "#5c6bc0", "#3f51b5", "#3949ab", "#303f9f",
"#283593", "#1a237e", "#e1f5fe", "#b3e5fc", "#81d4fa", "#4fc3f7",
"#29b6f6", "#03a9f4", "#039be5", "#0288d1", "#0277bd", "#01579b",
"#f1f8e9", "#dcedc8", "#c5e1a5", "#aed581", "#9ccc65", "#8bc34a",
"#7cb342", "#689f38", "#558b2f", "#33691e", "#f9fbe7", "#f0f4c3",
"#e6ee9c", "#dce775", "#d4e157", "#cddc39", "#c0ca33", "#afb42b",
"#9e9d24", "#827717", "#fff3e0", "#ffe0b2", "#ffcc80", "#ffb74d",
"#ffa726", "#ff9800", "#fb8c00", "#f57c00", "#ef6c00", "#e65100",
"#fce4ec", "#f8bbd0", "#f48fb1", "#f06292", "#ec407a", "#e91e63",
"#d81b60", "#c2185b", "#ad1457", "#880e4f", "#f3e5f5", "#e1bee7",
"#ce93d8", "#ba68c8", "#ab47bc", "#9c27b0", "#8e24aa", "#7b1fa2",
"#6a1b9a", "#4a148c", "#ffebee", "#ffcdd2", "#ef9a9a", "#e57373",
"#ef5350", "#f44336", "#e53935", "#d32f2f", "#c62828", "#b71c1c",
"#e0f2f1", "#b2dfdb", "#80cbc4", "#4db6ac", "#26a69a", "#009688",
"#00897b", "#00796b", "#00695c", "#004d40", "#fffde7", "#fff9c4",
"#fff59d", "#fff176", "#ffee58", "#ffeb3b", "#fdd835", "#fbc02d",
"#f9a825", "#f57f17"
class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"
row.names = c(NA, -180L)
material.pal <- function(color = NULL, level = 500) {
if (is.null(color) & is.null(level)) {
stop("Either a color name or level must be provided.")
if (!is.null(color)) {
color <- snakecase::to_lower_camel_case(color)
valid_cols <- unique(mdp$color)
if (!(color %in% valid_cols)) {
stop("color is not a valid name. See ?material.pal for a list of valid colro names.")
if (!is.null(level)) {
valid_levels <- unique(mdp$level)
if (!(level %in% valid_levels)) {
stop("level is not a valid numer. See ?material.pal for a list of valid colro names.")
if (!is.null(color) & !is.null(level)) {
hex <- mdp$hex[which(mdp$color == color, mdp$level == level)]
} else {
if (is.null(color) & !is.null(level)) {
hex <- mdp$hex[which(mdp$level == level)]
} else {
if (!is.null(color) & is.null(level)) {
hex <- mdp$hex[which(mdp$color == color)]
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