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Michele Campus kYroL01

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simonemainardi /
Last active February 13, 2025 07:33
Disassemble and Modify an Binary To Change a Function

Disassemble and Modify an Binary To Change a Function

In this gist I show how to disassemble and modify a Linux executable binary to change the body of a function. This will allow you to control how a binary behaves, even when you don't have access to the source code and you can't recompile it.

In my case, I was asked to try and bypass the protection mechanism implemented. The protection mechanism implemented was meant to only allow a binary to be run in presence of a valid license.

So basically my activity involved:

  • Finding the function which performs the protection check
  • Disassembling the binary
teraPacket / tcp_client.c
Created August 16, 2017 03:43
example TCP client using libuv (version 1.0)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <uv.h>
//based on
//which was based on libuv 0.1, there is considerable difference there.
static void on_close(uv_handle_t* handle);
static void on_connect(uv_connect_t* req, int status);
static void on_write(uv_write_t* req, int status);
noromanba /
Created December 25, 2016 17:51
how to disable apt-daily.timer

how to disable apt-daily.timer

$ systemctl stop apt-daily.timer
$ systemctl disable apt-daily.timer
$ systemctl mask apt-daily.service
$ systemctl daemon-reload

check current status

import numpy as np
import matplotlib
import tensorflow as tf
import gzip
import os
import sys
import time
flags = tf.flags

10 Scala One Liners to Impress Your Friends

Here are 10 one-liners which show the power of scala programming, impress your friends and woo women; ok, maybe not. However, these one liners are a good set of examples using functional programming and scala syntax you may not be familiar with. I feel there is no better way to learn than to see real examples.

Updated: June 17, 2011 - I'm amazed at the popularity of this post, glad everyone enjoyed it and to see it duplicated across so many languages. I've included some of the suggestions to shorten up some of my scala examples. Some I intentionally left longer as a way for explaining / understanding what the functions were doing, not necessarily to produce the shortest possible code; so I'll include both.

1. Multiple Each Item in a List by 2

The map function takes each element in the list and applies it to the corresponding function. In this example, we take each element and multiply it by 2. This will return a list of equivalent size, compare to o

eerwitt /
Created January 31, 2016 05:52
Example loading multiple JPEG files with TensorFlow and make them available as Tensors with the shape [[R, G, B], ... ].
# Typical setup to include TensorFlow.
import tensorflow as tf
# Make a queue of file names including all the JPEG images files in the relative
# image directory.
filename_queue = tf.train.string_input_producer(
# Read an entire image file which is required since they're JPEGs, if the images
# are too large they could be split in advance to smaller files or use the Fixed
m-ou-se / replace-debian-with-arch.txt
Last active January 30, 2025 05:03
Instructions to replace a live Debian installation with Arch
# Download latest archlinux bootstrap package, see
wget '*-x86_64.tar.gz'
# Make sure you'll have enough entropy for pacman-key later.
apt-get install haveged
# Install the arch bootstrap image in a tmpfs.
mount -t tmpfs none /mnt
cd /mnt
tar xvf ~/archlinux-bootstrap-*-x86_64.tar.gz --strip-components=1
pavel-odintsov / af_packet_classic.c
Last active June 27, 2024 19:19
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
Pitometsu /
Created October 18, 2014 00:46
manage tmux, put at end of ~/.zshrc or ~/.bashrc
# manage Tmux
if [ -n "$TMUX" ]; then # in tmux
if [ -n "$COLORTERM" ]; then # in rich VT
export TERM=xterm-256color-italic
elif tmux list-sessions &> /dev/null; then
tmux attach &> /dev/null # try to attach
kwk / Makefile
Last active March 17, 2024 22:54
Compiling with Address Sanitizer (ASAN) with CLANG and with GCC-4.8
.PHONY: using-gcc using-gcc-static using-clang
g++-4.8 -o main-gcc -lasan -O -g -fsanitize=address -fno-omit-frame-pointer main.cpp && \
ASAN_OPTIONS=symbolize=1 ASAN_SYMBOLIZER_PATH=$(shell which llvm-symbolizer) ./main-gcc
g++-4.8 -o main-gcc-static -static-libstdc++ -static-libasan -O -g -fsanitize=address -fno-omit-frame-pointer main.cpp && \
ASAN_OPTIONS=symbolize=1 ASAN_SYMBOLIZER_PATH=$(shell which llvm-symbolizer) ./main-gcc-static