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Last active September 17, 2015 08:08
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extension Array {
var decompose: (head: Element, tail: [Element])? {
return (count > 0) ? (self[0],tail) : nil
var tail: [Element] {
return Array(self[1..<count])
func splitAt(n: Int) -> ([Element], [Element]) {
assert(n >= 0 && n < count)
return (Array(self[0..<n]), Array(self[n..<count]))
func mergeSort<T: Comparable>(input: [T]) -> [T] {
let half = input.count/2
if(half == 0) {
return input
} else {
func merge(xs: [T], _ ys: [T]) -> [T] {
switch (xs, ys) {
case (let a, _) where a.isEmpty:
return ys
case(_, let b) where b.isEmpty:
return xs
case (let a, let b):
let x = a.first!
let y = b.first!
if x < y {
return [x] + merge(a.tail, b)
} else {
return [y] + merge(a, b.tail)
let (first, second) = input.splitAt(half)
return merge(mergeSort(first), mergeSort(second))
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