6600 Dumbarton Circle / Fremont, CA 94555
614-615-27-20 / [email protected]
I am enthusiastic, fast, responsible, and hard-working. I have practical skills in creating tools to make a difference in people's lives. I completed over 17 projects on my GitHub and I've won two prestigious hackathons in the bay, which helped me adapt quickly to the changes and made me a mature team worker. I can be a team player and at the same time be proactive.
Lepacte2020 - Social network application:
Currently working as a freelancer on a project named Lepacte.
LePacte2020 is a mobile-friendly web application build with the purpose to organize people in their different localities and communities to take action by expressing their real needs to their leaders. Those needs or ideas will be converted into projects whom will be realized for the benefit of the communities in their localities.
Microservice automation tools
I Wrote automation scripts on digitalOcean to:
Install a Virtual Machine/Docker container;
Implement a static IP;
Create an SSH token with access restriction;
Configure a firewall;
Create a web server;
Schedule a cron task;
Deploy the server.
Camagru - Instagram clone:
Camagru is a full stack web project like Instagram based on MVC pattern. Build from scratch a dynamic web site which allows users to take, upload, add effects and comments pictures in real time without affecting users experiences.
Minishell - C shell clone:
The objective of the project was to implement in C programing language a shell that allow users to create, access, change and display environment variables. It also allows users to execute Internal (built-ins) and external (executables) commands.
Makiti - apps store infrastructure:
means Marketplace in Susu
(Guinea native language).
The project was to build an app store for ford cars. We implemented a continuous integration system and created a microservices infrastructure with Docker for code testing, reporting, and deployment into a raspberry Pi 3.
Sensei peer to peer mentoring platform
Awarded Best Project at 42 Hackathon 2018. We Developed a web application by using some popular tools like React as front-end, express.js as backend, and MongoDB as Database for the purpose to help fellow students who have difficulties in certain topics to get help by requesting a peer to peer appointment.
Implemented with Microsoft Multipoint Server 2016 an infrastructure that allow with a single server to connect more than 100 stations by using Centerm Zero clients. All the stations were connected through RDP protocols and managed with a single Dashboard. The project was a full success with 75% cost reduction.
- Problem Solving;
- Adaptability;
- Collaboration;
- Strong Work Ethic;
- Time Management;
- Critical Thinking;
- Handling Pressure;
- Leadership;
- Creativity.
C/C++, JavaScript, JSON, PHP, XHTML, HTML5, XML, Java, Yaml, Node.js, CSS, MySQL, SQL, NOSQL, Bash,AppleScript, Python
Express.js, jQuery, React, Maven, Jenkins
42 Silicon Valley/ Level 11 / Fremont CA
Nov 2017 – 2020
42 is a peer learning school focus on low level programming
BAC High School 2013 – 2016 in Guinea - Conakry