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Created February 22, 2016 02:35
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ST_Anything_Doors_Multiplexer.smartapp.groovy (SmartApp)
* ST_Anything Doors Multiplexer - ST_Anything_Doors_Multiplexer.smartapp.groovy
* Copyright 2015 Daniel Ogorchock
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except
* in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed
* on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
* Change History:
* Date Who What
* ---- --- ----
* 2015-01-10 Dan Ogorchock Original Creation
* 2015-01-11 Dan Ogorchock Reduced unnecessary chatter to the virtual devices
* 2015-01-18 Dan Ogorchock Added support for Virtual Temperature/Humidity Device
name: "ST_Anything Doors Multiplexer",
namespace: "ogiewon",
author: "Daniel Ogorchock",
description: "Connects single Arduino with multiple DoorControl and ContactSensor devices to their virtual device counterparts.",
category: "My Apps",
iconUrl: "",
iconX2Url: "[email protected]",
iconX3Url: "[email protected]")
preferences {
section("Select the House Doors (Virtual Contact Sensor devices)") {
input "frontdoor", title: "Virtual Contact Sensor for Front Door", "capability.contactSensor"
input "backdoor", title: "Virtual Contact Sensor for Back Door", "capability.contactSensor"
input "kitchendoor", title: "Virtual Contact Sensor for Kitchen Door", "capability.contactSensor"
input "familyRoomRearDoor", title: "Virtual Contact Sensor for Family Room Read Door", "capability.contactSensor"
input "familyRoomPatioDoors", title: "Virtual Contact Sensor for Family Room Patio Doors", "capability.contactSensor"
section("Select the House Windows (Virtual Contact Sensor devices)") {
input "basementWindows", title: "Virtual Contact Sensor for Basement Windows", "capability.contactSensor"
section("Select the Arduino ST_Anything_Doors device") {
input "arduino", "capability.contactSensor"
def installed() {
log.debug "Installed with settings: ${settings}"
def updated() {
log.debug "Updated with settings: ${settings}"
def subscribe() {
subscribe(arduino, "", frontDoorOpen)
subscribe(arduino, "frontDoor.closed", frontDoorClosed)
subscribe(arduino, "", backDoorOpen)
subscribe(arduino, "backDoor.closed", backDoorClosed)
subscribe(arduino, "", kitchenDoorOpen)
subscribe(arduino, "kitchenDoor.closed", kitchenDoorClosed)
subscribe(arduino, "", familyRoomRearDoorOpen)
subscribe(arduino, "familyRoomRearDoor.closed", familyRoomRearDoorClosed)
subscribe(arduino, "", familyRoomPatioDoorsOpen)
subscribe(arduino, "familyRoomPatioDoors.closed", familyRoomPatioDoorsClosed)
subscribe(arduino, "", basementWindowsOpen)
subscribe(arduino, "basementWindows.closed", basementWindowsClosed)
// --- Front Door ---
def frontDoorOpen(evt)
if (frontdoor.currentValue("contact") != "open") {
log.debug "arduinoevent($ $evt.value: $evt.deviceId)"
def frontDoorClosed(evt)
if (frontdoor.currentValue("contact") != "closed") {
log.debug "arduinoevent($ $evt.value: $evt.deviceId)"
// --- back Door ---
def backDoorOpen(evt)
if (backdoor.currentValue("contact") != "open") {
log.debug "arduinoevent($ $evt.value: $evt.deviceId)"
def backDoorClosed(evt)
if (backdoor.currentValue("contact") != "closed") {
log.debug "arduinoevent($ $evt.value: $evt.deviceId)"
// --- Kitchen Door ---
def kitchenDoorOpen(evt)
if (kitchendoor.currentValue("contact") != "open") {
log.debug "arduinoevent($ $evt.value: $evt.deviceId)"
def kitchenDoorClosed(evt)
if (kitchendoor.currentValue("contact") != "closed") {
log.debug "arduinoevent($ $evt.value: $evt.deviceId)"
// --- Family Room Rear Door ---
def familyRoomRearDoorOpen(evt)
if (familyRoomRearDoor.currentValue("contact") != "open") {
log.debug "arduinoevent($ $evt.value: $evt.deviceId)"
def familyRoomRearDoorClosed(evt)
if (familyRoomRearDoor.currentValue("contact") != "closed") {
log.debug "arduinoevent($ $evt.value: $evt.deviceId)"
// --- familyRoomPatioDoors ---
def familyRoomPatioDoorsOpen(evt)
if (familyRoomPatioDoors.currentValue("contact") != "open") {
log.debug "arduinoevent($ $evt.value: $evt.deviceId)"
def familyRoomPatioDoorsClosed(evt)
if (familyRoomPatioDoors.currentValue("contact") != "closed") {
log.debug "arduinoevent($ $evt.value: $evt.deviceId)"
// --- basementWindows ---
def basementWindowsOpen(evt)
if (basementWindows.currentValue("contact") != "open") {
log.debug "arduinoevent($ $evt.value: $evt.deviceId)"
def basementWindowsClosed(evt)
if (basementWindows.currentValue("contact") != "closed") {
log.debug "arduinoevent($ $evt.value: $evt.deviceId)"
def initialize() {
// TODO: subscribe to attributes, devices, locations, etc.
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