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Created January 9, 2016 18:48
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Install REX-Ray on Multiple Hosts Created With Docker Machine
# Read more about REX-Ray storage persistance:
# change the filter and grep to anything you want to search for.
# This example shows searching for the name of machines beginning with "dev"
# You can sort by driver or swarm instance, just change the awk column as well
ALLHOSTS=$(docker-machine ls --filter name=dev* | grep dev* | awk '{print $1}')
# This is the location of the REX-Ray Configuration file. ie, Your desktop
# Learn more about configuration files:
for host in $ALLHOSTS
echo "$host: Installing REX-Ray"
docker-machine ssh $host "curl -sSL | sh -"
echo "$host: Setting Permissions for REX-Ray Config File"
docker-machine ssh $host "sudo chmod 777 /etc/rexray"
echo "$host: SCPing REX-Ray Config File from $REXCONFIG"
docker-machine scp $REXCONFIG $host:/etc/rexray/config.yml
echo "$host: Starting REX-Ray Service"
docker-machine ssh $host "sudo rexray start"
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Would probably be best to set permissions to 700 on that directory after transferring.

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