pip install django-environ
Edit your requirements.txt
to add:
django-environ==0.4.5 # https://github.com/joke2k/django-environ
Then run pip install -r requirements.txt
Place something like this in your config/settings/base.py
import environ
env = environ.Env()
# Reads a .env file; OS env vars take precendence over this file;
# note this assumes your .env file is in the same directory as
# the python file containing this code. You will probably need to
# do some path traversal with os.path,
# https://docs.python.org/3/library/os.path.html
# to get to the right place.
Once you've initialized the env as above, you can import it into other places in your application for use:
from foobar.config.settings.base import env
# To access a string ENV VAR
stress_testing_enabled = env('STRESS_TESTING_SHARED_SECRET')
# To access a typed (non-string) ENV VAR
stress_testing_eanbled = env.bool('STRESS_TESTING_ENABLED')