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Last active April 9, 2020 17:31
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odo test statistics

odo test statistics

Last update: 2020-04-09 17:31:45 (UTC)

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FLAKY TESTS: Failed test scenarios in past 14 days

Failures Test Name
84 [Fail] odo preference and config command tests when using --now with config command [It] should successfully set and unset variables
22 [Fail] odo devfile url command tests Describing urls [It] should describe appropriate URL and error messages
19 [Fail] odo sub component command tests Creating component [It] should describe not pushed component when it is created with json output
19 [Fail] odo component command tests Creating component [It] should describe not pushed component when it is created with json output
18 [Fail] odo component command tests Creating component [It] should describe pushed component when it is created with json output
18 [Fail] odo sub component command tests Creating component [It] should describe pushed component when it is created with json output
15 [Fail] odo devfile url command tests Listing urls [It] should list url after push
15 [Fail] odo devfile url command tests Listing urls [It] should be able to list url in machine readable json format
14 [Fail] odo generic creating component with an application and url [It] should create the component in default application
13 [Fail] odo devfile push command tests Verify devfile push works [It] Check that odo push works with a devfile
12 [Fail] odo devfile push command tests Verify devfile push works [It] should have no errors when no endpoints within the devfile, should create a service when devfile has endpoints
12 [Fail] odo devfile push command tests when devfile push command is executed [It] should delete the files from the container if its removed locally
12 [Fail] odo devfile push command tests when devfile push command is executed [It] should build when no changes are detected in the directory and force flag is enabled
10 [Fail] odo generic should list applications in other project [It] should be able to create a php component with application created
10 [Fail] odo devfile url command tests Creating urls [It] create with now flag should pass
9 [Fail] odo devfile push command tests when devfile push command is executed [It] should be able to create a file, push, delete, then push again propagating the deletions
9 [Fail] odo service command tests for OperatorHub When experimental mode is enabled [It] should list operators installed in the namespace
9 [Fail] odo devfile push command tests when devfile push command is executed [It] should not build when no changes are detected in the directory and build when a file change is detected
7 [Fail] odo supported images e2e tests odo supported images deployment [It] Should be able to verify the openjdk-11-rhel7 image
6 [Fail] Basic benchmark [AfterEach] Simple Java (Javalin) component
5 [Fail] odo supported images e2e tests odo supported images deployment [It] Should be able to verify the openjdk18-openshift image
5 [Fail] Basic benchmark [AfterEach] Simple NodeJS component
5 [Fail] odo devfile url command tests Creating urls [It] should create a secure URL
4 [Fail] odo supported images e2e tests odo supported images deployment [It] Should be able to verify the nodejs-8-rhel7 image
4 [Fail] odo sub component command tests Creating component [] should list the state as unknown for disconnected cluster
4 [Fail] odo sub component command tests Creating component [It] should list out pushed components of different projects in json format along with path flag
4 [Fail] odo supported images e2e tests odo supported images deployment [It] Should be able to verify the nodejs-8-centos7 image
3 [Fail] odo component command tests Creating component [It] should list out component in json format along with path flag
3 [Fail] odo service command tests for OperatorHub [BeforeEach] When experimental mode is enabled should list operators installed in the namespace
3 [Fail] odo component command tests Creating component [It] should list out pushed components of different projects in json format along with path flag
3 [Fail] odo storage command tests when running storage list command to check state [It] should list storage with correct state
3 [Fail] odo sub component command tests Creating component [It] should create the component from the branch ref when provided
3 [Fail] odo supported images e2e tests odo supported images deployment [It] Should be able to verify the nodejs-8 image
3 [Fail] odo supported images e2e tests odo supported images deployment [It] Should be able to verify the centos7-s2i-nodejs:10.x image
3 [Fail] odo supported images e2e tests odo supported images deployment [It] Should be able to verify the centos7-s2i-nodejs image
3 [Fail] odo sub component command tests Creating component [It] should list out component in json format along with path flag
2 [Fail] odo component command tests Creating component using symlink [It] Should be able to deploy a wildfly war file using symlinks in some odo commands
2 [Fail] odo watch command tests when executing watch without pushing a devfile component [It] should fail
2 [Fail] odo sub component command tests Creating component using symlink [It] Should be able to deploy a wildfly war file using symlinks in some odo commands
2 [Fail] odo push command tests when .gitignore file exists [It] should create and push the contents of a named component and include odo-file-index.json path to .gitignore file to exclude the contents
2 [Fail] odo push command tests when push command is executed [It] should delete the files from the container if its removed locally
2 [Fail] odo link and unlink command tests [BeforeEach] When link between components using wrong port should fail
2 [Fail] odo sub component command tests Creating Component even in new project [It] should create component
2 [Fail] odo component command tests Creating component [] should list the state as unknown for disconnected cluster
2 [Fail] odo push command tests [AfterEach] when push command is executed should not build when no changes are detected in the directory and build when a file change is detected
2 [Fail] odo storage command tests when using storage command with specified flag values [It] should add a storage, list and delete it
2 [Fail] odo link and unlink command tests When handling link/unlink between components [It] Wait till frontend dc rollout properly after linking the frontend application to the backend
2 [Fail] odo push command tests when push command is executed [It] should not build when no changes are detected in the directory and build when a file change is detected
2 [Fail] odo sub component command tests when component is in the current directory and --project flag is used [JustBeforeEach] creates and pushes local nodejs component and then deletes --all
1 [Fail] odo sub component command tests Creating component using symlink [JustBeforeEach] Should be able to deploy a spring boot uberjar file using symlinks in all odo commands
1 [Fail] odo java e2e tests odo component creation [It] Should be able to deploy a git repo that contains a java uberjar application using openjdk
1 [Fail] odo generic should list applications in other project [JustBeforeEach] should be able to create a php component with application created
1 [Fail] odo component command tests Creating Component even in new project [It] should create component
1 [Fail] odo link and unlink command tests When handling link/unlink between components [It] should link the frontend application to the backend and then unlink successfully
1 [Fail] odo debug command tests [BeforeEach] odo debug info should work on a odo component should start a debug session and run debug info on a running debug session
1 [Fail] odo storage command tests [BeforeEach] when using storage command with specified flag values should add a storage, list and delete it
1 [Fail] odo devfile create command tests When executing odo create with devfile component type and component name arguments [It] should successfully create the devfile component
1 [Fail] odo generic deploying a component with a specific image name [] should deploy the component
1 [Fail] odo storage command tests [BeforeEach] when using storage command with -o json should create and list output in json format
1 [Fail] odo sub component command tests Creating component [] should describe the component when it is not pushed
1 [Fail] odo push command tests [BeforeEach] Test push outside of the current working direcory Push, modify a file and then push outside of the working directory
1 [Fail] odo service command tests for OperatorHub When creating an operator backed service [It] should be able to create EtcdCluster from its alm example
1 [Fail] odo generic deploying a component with a specific image name [JustBeforeEach] should deploy the component
1 [Fail] odo generic When deleting two project one after the other [It] should be able to delete sequentially
1 [Fail] odo sub component command tests odo component delete, list and describe [JustBeforeEach] should fail outside a odo directory without component name as parameter
1 [Fail] odo url command tests [BeforeEach] Listing urls should create a secure URL
1 [Fail] odo debug command tests odo debug info should work on a odo component [It] should start a debug session and run debug info on a closed debug session
1 [Fail] odo sub component command tests odo component delete should clean owned resources [It] should delete the component and the owned resources
1 [Fail] odo component command tests Creating component using symlink [It] Should be able to deploy a spring boot uberjar file using symlinks in all odo commands
1 [Fail] odo watch command tests [BeforeEach] when executing watch without pushing the component should fail
1 [Fail] odo devfile delete command tests when devfile delete command is executed with all flag [It] should delete the component created from the devfile and also the env folder
1 [Fail] odo url command tests Describing urls [It] should describe appropriate URLs and push message
1 [Fail] odo link and unlink command tests When handling link/unlink between components [It] should successfully delete component after linked component is deleted
1 [Fail] odo sub component command tests odo component updating [It] should be able to update a component from git to local
1 [Fail] odo url command tests [BeforeEach] when using --now flag with url create / delete should create and delete url on cluster successfully with now flag
1 [Fail] odo component command tests when component is in the current directory and --project flag is used [It] creates a local python component, pushes it and then deletes it using --all flag
1 [Fail] odo core beta flow when --context flag is used [It] create local java component and push code
1 [Fail] odo sub component command tests Creating component [JustBeforeEach] should list the state as unknown for disconnected cluster
1 [Fail] odo component command tests when component is in the current directory and --project flag is used [JustBeforeEach] creates a local python component, pushes it and then deletes it using --all flag in local directory
1 [Fail] odo sub component command tests odo component delete, list and describe [JustBeforeEach] should pass inside a odo directory without component name as parameter
1 [Fail] odo push command tests when .gitignore file does not exist [It] should create and push the contents of a named component and also create .gitignore then include odo-file-index.json path to .gitignore file to exclude the contents
1 [Fail] odo component command tests Creating component [It] should list the component in the same app when one is pushed and the other one is not pushed
1 [Fail] odo app command tests [BeforeEach] when running app command app parameter in directory that doesn't contain .odo config directory should successfully execute list, describe and delete along with machine readable output
1 [Fail] odo preference and config command tests when viewing local config without logging into the OpenShift cluster [JustBeforeEach] should list config successfully
1 [Fail] odo push command tests [BeforeEach] when push command is executed should delete the files from the container if its removed locally
1 [Fail] odo url command tests Listing urls [It] should list appropriate URLs and push message
1 [Fail] odo push command tests when push command is executed [It] should build when no changes are detected in the directory and force flag is enabled
1 [Fail] odo push command tests [BeforeEach] when running odo push with flag --show-log should be able to spam odo push without anything breaking
1 [Fail] odo debug command tests [BeforeEach] odo debug on a nodejs:latest component should expect a ws connection when tried to connect on different debug port locally and remotely
1 [Fail] odo push command tests [BeforeEach] Check for label propagation after pushing Check for labels
1 [Fail] odo generic creating component with an application and url [JustBeforeEach] should create the component in default application
1 [Fail] odo generic check catalog component search functionality [It] check that a component does not exist
1 [Fail] odo devfile delete command tests when devfile delete command is executed [It] should delete the component created from the devfile and also the owned resources
1 [Fail] odo sub component command tests Creating component using symlink [It] Should be able to deploy a spring boot uberjar file using symlinks in all odo commands
1 [Fail] odo app command tests [BeforeEach] when running app command without app parameter in directory that contains .odo config directory should successfully execute list, describe and delete along with machine readable output
1 [Fail] odo sub component command tests Test odo push with --source and --config flags [JustBeforeEach] Using project flag(--project) and current directory create local nodejs component and push source and code at once
1 [Fail] odo sub component command tests Creating component [It] should list the component
1 [Fail] odo component command tests Creating component [It] should create component even in new project
1 [Fail] odo generic When deleting three project one after the other in opposite order [It] should be able to delete
1 [Fail] odo push command tests when .odoignore file exists [It] should create and push the contents of a named component excluding the contents in .odoignore file
1 [Fail] odo link and unlink command tests [BeforeEach] When handling link/unlink between components Wait till frontend dc rollout properly after linking the frontend application to the backend
1 [Fail] odo component command tests Creating component [JustBeforeEach] should list the component
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