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Last active May 30, 2016 06:21
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API middleware
export const apiMiddleware = store => next => action => {
//use destructuring to get apiCall and request from action object
const {apiCall, request, ...actualAction} = action
//ignore normal actions
if (!apiCall) {
return next(action)
//dispatch request_begin action — maybe we'd like some loaders
//note no apiCall and request fields here — with them middleware will have an endless cycle
store.dispatch({...actualAction, type: `${action.type}_REQUEST`})
//actually fire a request
.then(apiResponse => apiResponse.json().then(response => {
if (apiResponse.status === 200) {
//all fine, fire action with response
return store.dispatch({response, request, type: `${action.type}_RESPONSE`});
} else {
//something went wrong, fire action with error
return store.dispatch({error: response, request, type: `${action.type}_FAIL`});
.catch(error => {
//error during request, something with API or network or whatever
store.dispatch({type: 'REQUEST_ERROR', error})
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