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Last active November 18, 2021 01:38
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Bitty - Implementation of bitwise operators in pure Lua
if false then -- For LuaDoc
-- Pure Lua implementation of bitwise operations.
-- Not suitable for time critical code. Intended as fallback
-- for cases where a native implementation is unavailable.
-- Further optimization may be possible.
-- @version 0.1
-- @author kaeza <>
module "bitty"
-- Localize as much as possible.
local tconcat = table.concat
local floor, ceil, max, log =
math.floor, math.ceil, math.max, math.log
local tonumber, assert, type = tonumber, assert, type
local function tobittable_r(x, ...)
if (x or 0) == 0 then return ... end
return tobittable_r(floor(x/2), x%2, ...)
local function tobittable(x)
assert(type(x) == "number", "argument must be a number")
if x == 0 then return { 0 } end
return { tobittable_r(x) }
local function makeop(cond)
local function oper(x, y, ...)
if not y then return x end
x, y = tobittable(x), tobittable(y)
local xl, yl = #x, #y
local t, tl = { }, max(xl, yl)
for i = 0, tl-1 do
local b1, b2 = x[xl-i], y[yl-i]
if not (b1 or b2) then break end
t[tl-i] = (cond((b1 or 0) ~= 0, (b2 or 0) ~= 0)
and 1 or 0)
return oper(tonumber(tconcat(t), 2), ...)
return oper
-- Perform bitwise AND of several numbers.
-- Truth table:
-- band(0,0) -> 0,
-- band(0,1) -> 0,
-- band(1,0) -> 0,
-- band(1,1) -> 1.
-- @class function
-- @name band
-- @param ... Numbers.
-- @return A number.
local band = makeop(function(a, b) return a and b end)
-- Perform bitwise OR of several numbers.
-- Truth table:
-- bor(0,0) -> 0,
-- bor(0,1) -> 1,
-- bor(1,0) -> 1,
-- bor(1,1) -> 1.
-- @class function
-- @name bor
-- @param ... Numbers.
-- @return A number.
local bor = makeop(function(a, b) return a or b end)
-- Perform bitwise exclusive-OR (XOR) of several numbers.
-- Truth table:
-- bxor(0,0) -> 0,
-- bxor(0,1) -> 1,
-- bxor(1,0) -> 1,
-- bxor(1,1) -> 0.
-- @class function
-- @name bxor
-- @param ... Numbers.
-- @return A number.
local bxor = makeop(function(a, b) return a ~= b end)
-- Perform bitwise negation on a number.
-- Truth table:
-- bnot(0) -> 1,
-- bnot(1) -> 0.
-- If 'bits' is given, it specifies the number of bits
-- in the result. If not given, defaults to the base 2
-- logarithm of 'x'.
-- @param x The number to negate (number).
-- @param bits Number of bits for result (number|nil).
-- @return A number.
local function bnot(x, bits)
return bxor(x, (2^(bits or floor(log(x, 2))))-1)
-- Shift a number's bits to the left.
-- Roughly equivalent to (x * (2^bits)).
-- @param x The number to shift (number).
-- @param bits Number of positions to shift by (number).
-- @return A number.
local function blshift(x, bits)
return floor(x) * (2^bits)
-- Shift a number's bits to the right.
-- Roughly equivalent to (x / (2^bits)).
-- @param x The number to shift (number).
-- @param bits Number of positions to shift by (number).
-- @return A number.
local function brshift(x, bits)
return floor(floor(x) / (2^bits))
-- Convert a number to base 2 representation.
-- @param x The number to convert (string|number).
-- @param bits Minimum number of bits. If resulting string's
-- is shorter than this many characters, the result will be
-- padded with zeros. If not specified, no padding is done.
-- @return A string.
local function tobin(x, bits)
local r = tconcat(tobittable(x))
return ("0"):rep((bits or 1)+1-#r)..r
-- Convert a number in base 2 representation to a decimal number.
-- Roughly equivalent to 'tonumber(x, 2)'.
-- Added for symmetry with 'tobin'.
-- @param x The number to convert (string).
-- @return A number.
local function frombin(x)
return tonumber(x:match("^0*(.*)"), 2)
-- Test if a bit is set.
-- @param x A number
-- @param bit Bit to check (number). 0 is rightmost (LSB),
-- 1 is second from right, and so on.
-- @param ... Extra bits to check.
-- @return True if bit is set, false otherwise. If more than
-- one bit position is specified, returns a boolean for
-- every bit.
local function bisset(x, bit, ...)
if not bit then return end
return brshift(x, bit)%2 == 1, bisset(x, ...)
-- Set a bit.
-- @param x A number
-- @param bit Bit to set (number). 0 is rightmost (LSB),
-- 1 is second from right, and so on.
-- @return The number 'x' with the bit set.
local function bset(x, bit)
return bor(x, 2^bit)
-- Unset a bit.
-- @param x A number
-- @param bit Bit to unset (number). 0 is rightmost (LSB),
-- 1 is second from right, and so on.
-- @return The number 'x' with the bit unset.
local function bunset(x, bit)
return band(x, bnot(2^bit, ceil(log(x, 2))))
local function repr(x)
return (type(x)=="string" and ("%q"):format(x) or tostring(x))
local function assert_equals(x, y)
return x==y or error("assertion failed:"
.." expected "..repr(y)..", got "..repr(x), 2)
assert_equals(tobin(0xDEADBEEF), "11011110101011011011111011101111")
assert_equals(frombin("11011110101011011011111011101111"), 0xDEADBEEF)
assert_equals(bor(0xDEADBEEF, 0xCAFEBABE), 0xDEFFBEFF)
assert_equals(band(0xDEADBEEF, 0xCAFEBABE), 0xCAACBAAE)
assert_equals(bxor(0xDEADBEEF, 0xCAFEBABE), 0x14530451)
assert_equals(blshift(0xDEAD, 16), 0xDEAD0000)
assert_equals(brshift(0xDEAD0000, 16), 0xDEAD)
assert_equals(brshift(0xDEAD, 8), 0xDE)
assert_equals(bnot(0, 8), 0xFF)
assert(bisset(0x10, 4))
assert_equals(bset(0, 4), 0x10)
assert_equals(bunset(0x12, 1), 0x10)
local a, b, c, d, e = bisset(frombin("10101"), 0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
assert(a and c and e and not (b or d))
return {
_NAME = "bitty",
_VERSION = "0.1",
_LICENSE = "CC-0 Unported <?>",
bor = bor,
band = band,
bxor = bxor,
bnot = bnot,
blshift = blshift,
brshift = brshift,
tobin = tobin,
frombin = frombin,
bset = bset,
bunset = bunset,
bisset = bisset,
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D0NM commented Nov 24, 2020

print( bitty.bunset(1, 0 ) ) -- buggo.


print( bitty.bunset(3, 0 ) )


Somehow the unset bits do not work on the single bits (when the result of the unset should be 0 )

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