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Last active March 31, 2022 12:03
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  • Save kageru/549e059335d6efbae709e567ed081799 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save kageru/549e059335d6efbae709e567ed081799 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Standalone script using Vapoursynth to determine the original resolution of scaled images or videos.

This version is deprecated

I’ve stopped updating this a while ago because some people made a proper respository with a few necessary fixes and changes. Just get this version from now on:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
I’ve stopped updating this a while ago because some people made a proper respository with a few necessary fixes and changes.
Just get this version from now on:
import os
import re
import time
import argparse
import vapoursynth as vs
import matplotlib.pyplot as plot
# Author: kageru
# Performance optimizations and other changes: Frechdachs
# Prerequisites:
# matplotlib
# fmtc:
# Depending on source filter:
# ffms2:
# or L-Smash:
# and imwri(f) for png/bmp input: 64bit:
# if you need 32bit:
# This script's success rate is far from perfect.
# If possible, do multiple tests on different frames from the same source.
# Bright scenes generally yield the most accurate results.
# Graphs tend to have multiple notches, so the script's assumed resolution may be incorrect.
# Also, due to the current implementation of the autoguess, it is not possible for the script to automatically recognize 1080p productions.
# Use your eyes or anibin if necessary.
# general settings
# target directory (home directory will be prepended, e.g. C:/Users/kageru + targetdir)
targetdir = os.path.join('Desktop', 'getnative')
# format of the output image. can be svg, png, pdf, rgba, jp(e)g, tif(f), and probably more
imageFormat = 'svg'
# scaling of the y axis. can be 'linear' or 'log'
plotScaling = 'log'
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Find the native resolution(s) of upscaled material (mostly anime)')
parser.add_argument('--input', '-i', dest='input_file', type=str, help='string. Absolute or relative path to the input file')
parser.add_argument('--frame', '-f', dest='frame', type=int, default=None,
help='int. Specify a frame for the analysis. Random if unspecified')
parser.add_argument('--kernel', '-k', dest='kernel', type=str, default='bilinear', help='string. Resize kernel to be used')
parser.add_argument('--generate-images', '-out', dest='image_output', type=bool, default=True,
help='save detail mask as png')
parser.add_argument('--min-height', '-min', dest='min_height', type=int, default=600, help='int. Minimum height to consider')
parser.add_argument('--max-height', '-max', dest='max_height', type=int, default=1000,
help='int. Maximum height to consider')
parser.add_argument('--bicubic-b', '-b', dest='b', type=float, default=1 / 3, help='float. b parameter of bicubic resize')
parser.add_argument('--bicubic-c', '-c', dest='c', type=float, default=1 / 3, help='float. c parameter of bicubic resize')
# TODO implement this
parser.add_argument('--number-of-resolutions', '-r', dest='num_resolutions', type=str, default=None,
help='Force a number of different resolutions to be considered in the analysis. This is useful for anime with different resolutions in one frame if the autodetection fails')
parser.add_argument('--input-is-image', '-img', dest='input_is_image', type=bool, default=None,
help='bool. Force image input. This is automatically detected for png, bmp, and jpg input')
parser.add_argument('--aspect-ratio', '-a', dest='ar', type=float, default=None,
help='float. Force aspect ratio. Only useful for anamorphic input')
parser.add_argument('--use-lsmash', '-lsmash', dest='use_lsmash', type=bool, default=True,
help='bool. Use lsmash for input. If false, ffms2 will be used')
args = parser.parse_args()
inputFile = args.input_file
frame = args.frame
kernel = args.kernel
image_output = args.image_output
minHeight = args.min_height
maxHeight = args.max_height
b = args.b
c = args.c
num_resolutions = args.num_resolutions
input_is_image = args.input_is_image
ar =
use_lsmash = args.use_lsmash
core = vs.get_core()
if not (hasattr(core, 'fmtc') and hasattr(core, 'lsmas') or hasattr(core, 'ffms2') and hasattr(core, 'imwri') or hasattr(core, 'imwrif')):
raise AttributeError('One or more dependencies could not be found.')
imwri = 'imwri' if hasattr(core, 'imwri') else 'imwrif'
if input_is_image is None:
if bool(re.match('.*\.(png|jpg|bmp)$', inputFile)):
input_is_image = True
input_is_image = False
if input_is_image:
src = eval('core.{:s}.Read(r"{:s}")'.format(imwri, inputFile))
frame = 0
elif use_lsmash:
src = core.lsmas.LWLibavSource(inputFile)
src = core.std.ShufflePlanes(src, 0, vs.GRAY)
src = core.ffms2.Source(inputFile)
src = core.std.ShufflePlanes(src, 0, vs.GRAY)
src_16 = core.fmtc.bitdepth(src, bits=16)
if frame is None:
frame = src.num_frames // 3
if ar is None:
ar = src.width / src.height
txtOutput = ''
resolutions = []
starttime = time.time()
def getw(h, only_even=True):
w = h * ar
w = int(round(w))
if only_even:
w = w // 2 * 2
return w
def scalemask(clip, w, h):
down = core.fmtc.resample(clip, w, h, kernel=kernel, a1=b, a2=c, invks=True)
up = core.fmtc.resample(down, getw(src.height), src.height, kernel=kernel, a1=b, a2=c)
smask = core.std.Expr([clip, up], 'x y - abs')
smask = core.std.Expr(smask, 'x 1000 < 0 x ?')
smask = core.std.CropRel(smask, 5, 5, 5, 5)
return smask
def geterror(w, h):
mask = scalemask(src_16[frame], w, h)
mask = core.std.PlaneStats(mask)
luma = mask.get_frame(0).props.PlaneStatsAverage
return luma
def getnative():
global txtOutput
def get_filename():
if kernel == 'bicubic':
bic = '_b{:.2f}_c{:.2f}'.format(b, c)
bic = ''
fn = u'{:d}_{:s}{:s}_({:d}-{:d})'.format(frame, kernel, bic, minHeight, maxHeight)
return fn
def prepareSaveDirectory():
home = os.path.expanduser('~')
savedir = os.path.join(home, targetdir)
if not os.path.exists(savedir):
return home
def analyzeResults():
global txtOutput
global resolutions
last = 0
for i in range(1, len(vals)):
last = vals[i - 1]
current = vals[i]
if current == 0:
ratio = 0
ratio = last / current
sorted = ratios[:] # make a copy of the array. we need the unsorted array later
i = 2
max_difference = sorted[len(sorted) - 1]
differences = [max_difference]
while i < 6:
if sorted[len(sorted) - i] - 1 > (max_difference - 1) * 0.33:
differences.append(sorted[len(sorted) - i])
i += 1
#differences = differences[::-1]
for diff in differences:
current = ratios.index(diff)
accept = True
# don't allow results within 20px of each other
for res in resolutions:
if bool(list(set(range(res - 20, res + 20)) & set([current]))):
accept = False
if accept:
if kernel == 'bicubic':
bicubic_params = 'Scaling parameters:\nb = {:.2f}\nc = {:.2f}\n'.format(b, c)
bicubic_params = ''
txtOutput += u'Resize Kernel: {:s}\n{:s}Native resolution(s) (best guess): {:s}\nPlease check the graph manually for more accurate results\n\n'.format(
kernel, bicubic_params, 'p, '.join([str(r + minHeight) for r in resolutions]) + 'p')
def savetxt():
global txtOutput
text_file = open(path + '.txt', 'w')
txtOutput += '\nProcessing Time: ' + str(time.time() - starttime)
def save_plot():'dark_background')
plot.plot(range(minHeight, maxHeight + 1), vals, '.w-')
plot.ylabel('Relative error')
plot.savefig(path + '.' + imageFormat)
def save_images(res, path):
src = src_16[frame]
core = vs.get_core()
temp = eval("core.{:s}.Write(src[0].fmtc.bitdepth(bits=8), 'png', path + '_source{:s}d.png')".format(imwri, '%')) # using %% inside the string does not work
_ = temp.get_frame(0) # trick vapoursynth into rendering the frame
for r in res:
r += minHeight
image = mask_detail(src, getw(r), r)
# TODO: use PIL for output
t = eval("core.{:s}.Write(image.fmtc.bitdepth(bits=8), 'png', path + '_mask_{:d}p{:s}d.png')".format(imwri, r, '%'))
_ = t.get_frame(0)
t = eval("core.{:s}.Write(src.fmtc.resample(getw(r), r, kernel=kernel, a1=b, a2=c, invks=True).fmtc.bitdepth(bits=8), 'png', path + '_{:d}p{:s}d.png')".format(imwri, r, '%'))
_ = t.get_frame(0)
print('Writing ' + path + '_{:d}p.png'.format(r))
# Original idea by MonoS @github:
def mask_detail(clip, final_width, final_height, kernel='bilinear', a1=1/3, a2=1/3):
depth = clip.format.bits_per_sample
core = vs.get_core()
startclip = core.fmtc.bitdepth(clip, bits=16)
original = (startclip.width, startclip.height)
target = (final_width, final_height)
temp = core.fmtc.resample(startclip, *target[:2], kernel=kernel, invks=True, invkstaps=4, taps=4, a1=a1, a2=a2)
temp = core.fmtc.resample(temp, *original, kernel=kernel, taps=4, a1=a1, a2=a2)
mask = core.std.Expr([startclip, temp], 'x y - abs 1024 < 0 x y - abs 16 * ?').std.Inflate()
mask = core.fmtc.resample(mask, *target, taps=4)
return core.fmtc.bitdepth(mask, bits=8, dmode=1)
home = prepareSaveDirectory()
filename = get_filename()
path = os.path.join(home, targetdir, filename)
if image_output:
save_images(resolutions, path)
txtOutput += 'Raw data:\n'
txtOutput += 'Resolution\t | Relative Error\t | Relative difference from last\n'
last = 0
for i, error in enumerate(vals):
txtOutput += '{:4d}\t\t | {:.6f}\t\t\t | {:.2f}\n'.format(i + minHeight, error, ratios[i])
last = error
if __name__ == '__main__':
vals = []
ratios = [0]
for h in range(minHeight, maxHeight + 1):
w = getw(h)
print('Processing resolution: {} x {}'.format(w, h))
vals.append(geterror(w, h))
print('done in {:.2f} s'.format(time.time() - starttime))
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MonoS commented May 22, 2017

The idea behind Mask Detail is by Chibi_goku here , i've only ported the script to vapoursynth.

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