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Created May 11, 2013 19:16
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import time, datetime
import sys
import traceback
def formatExceptionInfo(maxTBlevel=5):
cla, exc, trbk = sys.exc_info()
excName = cla.__name__
excArgs = exc.__dict__["args"]
except KeyError:
excArgs = "<no args>"
excTb = traceback.format_tb(trbk, maxTBlevel)
return (excName, excArgs, excTb)
class SensorHistories:
# array of sensor data
sensorhistories = []
def __init__(self):
self.sensorhistories = []
def __init__(self, f):
if f:
def find(self, sensornum):
for history in self.sensorhistories:
if history.sensornum == sensornum:
return history
# none found, create it!
history = SensorHistory(sensornum)
return history
def readfromfile(self, f):
curryear = 0
currmonth = 0
currdate = 0
currdailypowerusage = None
for line in f:
# chomp() off the new line at the end
if line and line[-1] == '\n':
line = line[:-1]
# debug print
#print line, '\n'
#print line
if (line[0] == '#'):
# divide up into [0] date, [1] time, [2] sensornum, [3] Watts used
# this parsing isnt very would be nice if it was rugged :(
foo = line.split(', ')
timestamp = foo[1]
sensornum = int(foo[2])
powerused = float(foo[3])
dateset = foo[0].split(' ')
year = int(dateset[0])
month = int(dateset[1])
date = int(dateset[2])
# debug print out that parsed line
#print "#", year, month, date, timestamp, sensornum, powerused
if not ( == year and == month and == date) :
pass # older data, skip it
# get the 'seconds since epoch' time for the datapoint
datapointtime = time.mktime( time.strptime(foo[0]+", "+foo[1], "%Y %m %d, %H:%M") )
history = self.find(sensornum)
if history.lasttime > datapointtime:
# this is the first datapoint for this sensor
history.lasttime = datapointtime
# the next time we go through, we'll have a delta of time
# figure out how much time has elapsed since last datapoint
#print (datapointtime - history.lasttime), " seconds elapsed since last datapoint"
# calculate how many Watthrs since last datapoint
print powerused * (datapointtime - history.lasttime) / (60.0 * 60.0)
# add that to the current sensorhistory dayswatthr
history.dayswatthr += powerused * (datapointtime - history.lasttime) / (60.0 * 60.0)
history.lasttime = datapointtime
print formatExceptionInfo()
for history in self.sensorhistories:
history.lasttime = time.time()
def __str__(self):
s = ""
for history in self.sensorhistories:
s += history.__str__()
return s
####### store sensor data and array of histories per sensor
##class SensorHistory:
## sensornum = 0 # the ID for this set of data
## cumulative5mwatthr = 0 # data for power collected over last 5 minutes
## dayswatthr = 0 # power collected over last full day
## fiveminutetimer = 0
## lasttime = 0
## def __init__(self, sensornum):
## self.sensornum = sensornum
## self.fiveminutetimer = time.time() # track data over 5 minutes
## self.lasttime = time.time()
## self.cumulative5mwatthr = 0
## self.dayswatthr = 0
## def addwatthr(self, deltawatthr):
## self.cumulative5mwatthr += float(deltawatthr)
## self.dayswatthr += float(deltawatthr)
## def reset5mintimer(self):
## self.cumulative5mwatthr = 0
## self.fiveminutetimer = time.time()
## def avgwattover5min(self):
## return self.cumulative5mwatthr * (60.0*60.0 / (time.time() - self.fiveminutetimer))
## def __str__(self):
## return "[ id#: %d, 5mintimer: %f, lasttime; %f, 5minwatthr: %f, daywatthr = %f]" % (self.sensornum, self.fiveminutetimer, self.lasttime, self.cumulative5mwatthr, self.dayswatthr)
class SensorHistory1:
sensornum = 1 # the ID for this set of data
cumulative5mwatthr = 0 # data for power collected over last 5 minutes
dayswatthr = 0 # power collected over last full day
fiveminutetimer = 0
lasttime = 0
def __init__(self, sensornum):
self.sensornum = sensornum
self.fiveminutetimer = time.time() # track data over 5 minutes
self.lasttime = time.time()
self.cumulative5mwatthr = 0
self.dayswatthr = 0
def addwatthr(self, deltawatthr):
self.cumulative5mwatthr += float(deltawatthr)
self.dayswatthr += float(deltawatthr)
def reset5mintimer(self):
self.cumulative5mwatthr = 0
self.fiveminutetimer = time.time()
def avgwattover5min(self):
return self.cumulative5mwatthr * (60.0*60.0 / (time.time() - self.fiveminutetimer))
def __str__(self):
return "[ id#: %d, 5mintimer: %f, lasttime; %f, 5minwatthr: %f, daywatthr = %f]" % (self.sensornum, self.fiveminutetimer, self.lasttime, self.cumulative5mwatthr, self.dayswatthr)
class SensorHistory2:
sensornum = 2 # the ID for this set of data
cumulative5mwatthr = 0 # data for power collected over last 5 minutes
dayswatthr = 0 # power collected over last full day
fiveminutetimer = 0
lasttime = 0
def __init__(self, sensornum):
self.sensornum = sensornum
self.fiveminutetimer = time.time() # track data over 5 minutes
self.lasttime = time.time()
self.cumulative5mwatthr = 0
self.dayswatthr = 0
def addwatthr(self, deltawatthr):
self.cumulative5mwatthr += float(deltawatthr)
self.dayswatthr += float(deltawatthr)
def reset5mintimer(self):
self.cumulative5mwatthr = 0
self.fiveminutetimer = time.time()
def avgwattover5min(self):
return self.cumulative5mwatthr * (60.0*60.0 / (time.time() - self.fiveminutetimer))
def __str__(self):
return "[ id#: %d, 5mintimer: %f, lasttime; %f, 5minwatthr: %f, daywatthr = %f]" % (self.sensornum, self.fiveminutetimer, self.lasttime, self.cumulative5mwatthr, self.dayswatthr)
class SensorHistory3:
sensornum = 3 # the ID for this set of data
cumulative5mwatthr = 0 # data for power collected over last 5 minutes
dayswatthr = 0 # power collected over last full day
fiveminutetimer = 0
lasttime = 0
def __init__(self, sensornum):
self.sensornum = sensornum
self.fiveminutetimer = time.time() # track data over 5 minutes
self.lasttime = time.time()
self.cumulative5mwatthr = 0
self.dayswatthr = 0
def addwatthr(self, deltawatthr):
self.cumulative5mwatthr += float(deltawatthr)
self.dayswatthr += float(deltawatthr)
def reset5mintimer(self):
self.cumulative5mwatthr = 0
self.fiveminutetimer = time.time()
def avgwattover5min(self):
return self.cumulative5mwatthr * (60.0*60.0 / (time.time() - self.fiveminutetimer))
def __str__(self):
return "[ id#: %d, 5mintimer: %f, lasttime; %f, 5minwatthr: %f, daywatthr = %f]" % (self.sensornum, self.fiveminutetimer, self.lasttime, self.cumulative5mwatthr, self.dayswatthr)
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