The idea is to use gamification in the Magento backend to help to train admins who are new to using Magento with some kind of interactive tutorial along with earning points for doing things like updating their store address in system config and creating a new product, etc.
Not totally sure, just a rough idea right now. But my thinking is - some combination of an interactive tutorial with points and badges earned for different actions.
For example:
- You login to the Magento backend for the first time
- You get a persistent tutorial step - maybe in the header, footer or sidebar.
- You can close or hide the tutorial (a la hellobar) if you're not interested in doing it.
- The tutorial would say - "Go to System > Config > General and change your store address to your actual address".
- The admin goes and does that, and upon the next page load, they get a congratulations modal that shows them they earned some points
- The tutorial step shows them the next challenge.
Maybe tutorial steps / challenges can be defined in config XML. Each step would need a title, some content, as well as some PHP code to run to determine whether the challenge had been completed.
There could be an AJAX request that fires in the admin after the page loads (so as to not hurt performance), and it can look for the active challenge and then run it's PHP to see if it succeeded.
For example, checking to see whether the store address was modified from the base address.
Third party modules could create their own tutorial steps or challenges in order to help train admins to use them.