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kalenwatermeyer /
Last active March 10, 2020 16:03
Jenkins - Build status history for multiple jobs

Jenkins Build Status History - screenshot


The Jenkins Build Status History widget periodically fetches a snapshot of build status information for a specified list of jobs on a Jenkins CI server.

As time progresses, new build status samples are added to the right, while older samples are removed from the left. This view allows you to quickly see the health of your jobs as well as any time trends.

Calls are made to the Jenkins API to retrieve the name and color properties of listed jobs in a JSON form. The color of a given job represents its current build status (i.e. "blue" => successful build, "red" => failing build and so on).

kalenwatermeyer /
Last active July 29, 2019 03:39
Jenkins - Last commit info widget

Jenkins Last Commit - screenshot


The Jenkins Last Commit widget periodically fetches SCM change information from a Jenkins instance for a specified list of jobs.

This allows you to have multiple widgets simultaneously (monitoing separate jobs for changes).

Calls are made to the Jenkins API to retrieve the changeset object in a JSON form. This JSON object contains various pieces of information about the last commit made for the Jenkins job.