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Created March 7, 2023 16:05
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  • Save kalinchernev/a5068571530e2e6f7e7d5235a172ff6b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save kalinchernev/a5068571530e2e6f7e7d5235a172ff6b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
`npx @mocks-server/main mocks` on yarn install and run `mocks` as documented on
"id": "get-result",
"routes": ["get-result:get-result-actual"]
// @see
// place in mocks/routes/logs.js
// Values to match conformance service query parameters for the given set of tests
const TI_ISSUE_CTREVOCABLE_TEST = "ti_issue_ctrevocable_test";
const TI_VALIDATE_CTREVOCABLE_TEST = "ti_validate_ctrevocable_test";
const TI_REVOKE_CTREVOCABLE_TEST = "ti_revoke_ctrevocable_test";
const results = {
"did:ebsi:za1uULvVp78ceJLaFk4WsSN": {
logs: [],
results: {
status: "Success",
passedTests: [],
failedTests: [],
logs: [],
results: {
status: "Success",
passedTests: [],
failedTests: [],
logs: [],
results: {
status: "Success",
passedTests: [],
failedTests: [],
logs: [],
results: {
status: "Success",
passedTests: [],
failedTests: [],
logs: [],
results: {
status: "Success",
passedTests: [],
failedTests: [],
logs: [],
results: {
status: "Success",
passedTests: [],
failedTests: [],
module.exports = [
id: "get-result",
url: "/logs/:did",
method: "GET",
variants: [
id: "get-result-actual",
type: "middleware",
options: {
middleware: (req, res) => {
const did = req.params.did;
const test = req.query.test;
if (results[did] && results[did][test]) {
} else {
// For a detailed explanation regarding each configuration property, visit:
module.exports = {
// Log level. Can be one of silly, debug, verbose, info, warn or error
//log: "info",
config: {
// Allow unknown arguments
//allowUnknownArguments: false,
plugins: {
// Plugins to be registered
//register: [],
proxyRoutesHandler: {
adminApi: {
// Port number for the admin API server to be listening at
//port: 3110,
// Host for the admin API server
//host: "",
https: {
// Use https protocol or not
//enabled: false,
// Path to a TLS/SSL certificate
//cert: undefined,
// Path to the certificate private key
//key: undefined,
inquirerCli: {
// Start interactive CLI or not
//enabled: true,
// Render emojis or not
//emojis: true,
openapi: {
collection: {
// Name for the collection created from OpenAPI definitions
//id: "openapi",
// Name of the collection to extend from
//from: undefined,
mock: {
routes: {
// Global delay to apply to routes
//delay: 0,
collections: {
// Selected collection
//selected: "base",
server: {
// Port number for the server to be listening at
//port: 3100,
// Host for the server
//host: "",
cors: {
// Use CORS middleware or not
//enabled: true,
// Options for the CORS middleware. Further information at
//options: {"preflightContinue":false},
jsonBodyParser: {
// Use json body-parser middleware or not
//enabled: true,
// Options for the json body-parser middleware. Further information at
//options: {},
urlEncodedBodyParser: {
// Use urlencoded body-parser middleware or not
//enabled: true,
// Options for the urlencoded body-parser middleware. Further information at
//options: {"extended":true},
https: {
// Use https protocol or not
//enabled: false,
// Path to a TLS/SSL certificate
//cert: undefined,
// Path to the certificate private key
//key: undefined,
files: {
// Allows to disable files load
//enabled: true,
// Define folder from where to load collections and routes
//path: "mocks",
// Enable/disable files watcher
//watch: true,
babelRegister: {
// Load @babel/register
//enabled: false,
// Options for @babel/register
//options: {},
variantHandlers: {
// Variant Handlers to be registered
//register: [],
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