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Created August 3, 2012 17:53
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Working w/ Grunt
/*jshint strict:false*/
/*global module*/
module.exports = function(grunt) {
grunt.registerHelper("wrapp", function (src, argList, args) {
return ";(function (%1) {\n%2\n}(%3));"
.replace("%1", argList || "")
.replace("%3", args || "")
.replace("%2", src);
grunt.registerHelper("jQuery", function (src) {
return grunt.helper("wrapp", src, "$", "jQuery");
build: {
"dist/built": [
jshint: {
options: grunt.file.readJSON("jshint.json")
lint: {
files: ["src/**/*.js"]
meta: {
banner: '/* <%= pkg.title || %> - v<%= pkg.version %> */\n'
pkg: '<json:raw.json>'
grunt.registerMultiTask("build", "do all of the things", function () {
var banner = grunt.template.process(grunt.config.get("meta.banner")),
cat = grunt.helper("concat",,
dist = grunt.helper("jQuery", cat),
ugly = grunt.helper("uglify", dist);
grunt.file.write( + ".dbg.js", dist);
grunt.file.write( + ".js", ugly);
grunt.log.writeln(grunt.template.process("\n~~ <%= pkg.title %> built successfully. ~~"));
grunt.registerTask("default", "lint build");
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