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Bertrand Bousquet kamek-pf

  • Haven Studios
  • Montréal
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kamek-pf / alacritty.yml
Last active February 21, 2024 12:20
Gruvbox Material Dark Medium - Alacritty
# Colors (Gruvbox Material Dark Medium)
background: '0x282828'
foreground: '0xdfbf8e'
black: '0x665c54'
red: '0xea6962'
green: '0xa9b665'
kamek-pf /
Last active November 26, 2017 22:44
Rust AWS client init benchmark
// In this test, I benchmark 3 different ways to initialize AWS clients in Rust, using the Rusoto crates
// I wanted to know what was more efficient :
// - Create a new client for every call (Boxed or not)
// - Initialize once using the lazy_static macro and a mutex
// - Initialize one using the thread_local macro
extern crate test;
extern crate rusoto_core;
extern crate rusoto_sns;