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Last active July 4, 2017 05:56
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Automatic pm2 deploy bash script run on production server as well as development server.
#Author: Kashyap Merai | [email protected]
# Variables
ch_1="pm2 Production Setup."
ch_2="pm2 Production Update."
ch_3="pm2 Production."
ch_4="pm2 Development Setup."
ch_5="pm2 Development."
echo "Welcome `whoami`!"
echo `date`
echo -e "\n"
echo "==========================="
echo " pm2 Manager"
echo "==========================="
echo "(1) : "$ch_1
echo "(2) : "$ch_2
echo "(3) : "$ch_3
echo "(4) : "$ch_4
echo "(5) : "$ch_5
echo "---------------------------"
echo -e "By Kashyap Merai | [email protected] \n"
read -p "Please Enter Your Choice : " choice
echo -e "\n"
cd $tar_dir
case $choice in
echo "["`date +%T`"]"" Currently Running : "$ch_1
echo "Current DIR : "$curr_dir
echo "Target DIR : "$tar_dir
echo `pm2 deploy ecosystem.json production setup`
echo "["`date +%T`"]"" Currently Running : "$ch_2
echo "Current DIR : "$curr_dir
echo "Target DIR : "$tar_dir
echo `pm2 deploy ecosystem.json production update`
echo "["`date +%T`"]"" Currently Running : "$ch_3
echo "Current DIR : "$curr_dir
echo "Target DIR : "$tar_dir
echo `pm2 deploy ecosystem.json production`
echo "["`date +%T`"]"" Currently Running : "$ch_4
echo "Current DIR : "$curr_dir
echo "Target DIR : "$tar_dir
echo `pm2 deploy ecosystemdev.json development setup`
echo "["`date +%T`"]"" Currently Running : "$ch_5
echo "Current DIR : "$curr_dir
echo "Target DIR : "$tar_dir
echo `pm2 deploy ecosystemdev.json development`
echo "That's where you wrong kiddo!"
cd $curr_dir
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