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Last active August 7, 2020 18:00
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{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase, BlockArguments, EmptyCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances, TypeOperators, FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts, UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, GADTs, MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, PolyKinds, AllowAmbiguousTypes, TypeApplications, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import GHC.Generics
import Unsafe.Coerce (unsafeCoerce)
import Data.Type.Equality
type family xs :++: ys where
'[] :++: ys = ys
(x:xs) :++: ys = x:(xs :++: ys)
type family Map f xs where
Map f '[] = '[]
Map f (x:xs) = f x : Map f xs
mapIsLinear :: forall f g a b. f (Map g a :++: Map g b) -> f (Map g (a :++: b))
mapIsLinear = unsafeCoerce
type family Reverse xs where
Reverse '[] = '[]
Reverse (x:xs) = Reverse xs :++: '[x]
data Prod xs where
ProdNil :: Prod '[]
ProdCons :: x -> Prod xs -> Prod (x:xs)
concatProd :: Prod xs -> Prod ys -> Prod (xs :++: ys)
concatProd ProdNil ys = ys
concatProd (ProdCons x xs) ys = ProdCons x (concatProd xs ys)
reverseProd :: Prod xs -> Prod (Reverse xs)
reverseProd ProdNil = ProdNil
reverseProd (ProdCons x xs) = concatProd (reverseProd xs) (ProdCons x ProdNil)
data Sum xs where
SumHere :: x -> Sum (x:ys)
SumThere :: Sum xs -> Sum (x:xs)
expandSumR :: forall xs ys. Sum xs -> Sum (xs :++: ys)
expandSumR (SumHere x) = SumHere x
expandSumR (SumThere x) = SumThere (expandSumR @_ @ys x)
class ExpandSumL xs ys where
expandSumL :: Sum ys -> Sum (xs :++: ys)
instance ExpandSumL '[] ys where
expandSumL x = x
instance ExpandSumL xs ys => ExpandSumL (x:xs) ys where
expandSumL x = SumThere (expandSumL @xs x)
class CTreeToSum rep where
type CTreeSum rep :: [[*]]
ctreeToSum :: rep x -> Sum (Map Prod (CTreeSum rep))
instance (CTreeToSum l, CTreeToSum r, ExpandSumL (Map Prod (CTreeSum l)) (Map Prod (CTreeSum r))) => CTreeToSum (l :+: r) where
type CTreeSum (l :+: r) = CTreeSum l :++: CTreeSum r
ctreeToSum (L1 x) = mapIsLinear @Sum @Prod @(CTreeSum l) @(CTreeSum r) $ expandSumR @(Map Prod (CTreeSum l)) @(Map Prod (CTreeSum r)) (ctreeToSum x)
ctreeToSum (R1 x) = mapIsLinear @Sum @Prod @(CTreeSum l) @(CTreeSum r) $ expandSumL @(Map Prod (CTreeSum l)) @(Map Prod (CTreeSum r)) (ctreeToSum x)
instance STreeToProd sels => CTreeToSum (C1 meta sels) where
type CTreeSum (M1 C meta sels) = '[STreeProd sels]
ctreeToSum (M1 x) = SumHere (streeToProd x)
class STreeToProd rep where
type STreeProd rep :: [*]
streeToProd :: rep x -> Prod (STreeProd rep)
instance (STreeToProd l, STreeToProd r) => STreeToProd (l :*: r) where
type STreeProd (l :*: r) = STreeProd l :++: STreeProd r
streeToProd (l :*: r) = concatProd (streeToProd l) (streeToProd r)
instance STreeToProd U1 where
type STreeProd U1 = '[]
streeToProd U1 = ProdNil
instance STreeToProd (S1 meta (Rec0 a)) where
type STreeProd (S1 meta (Rec0 a)) = '[a]
streeToProd (M1 (K1 x)) = ProdCons x ProdNil
structure :: forall a meta cons. (Generic a, Rep a ~ D1 meta cons, CTreeToSum cons) => a -> Sum (Map Prod (CTreeSum cons))
structure = ctreeToSum . unM1 . from
class ProdElim (srcT :: *) xs acc where
type ProdElimF srcT xs acc
prodElim :: (srcT -> acc) -> ProdElimF srcT xs acc -> Prod xs -> acc
instance ProdElim srcT '[] acc where
type ProdElimF srcT '[] acc = acc
prodElim r acc ProdNil = acc
class ProdElim srcT xs acc => ProdElimCase (eq :: Bool) srcT x xs acc where
type ProdElimCaseF eq srcT x xs acc
prodElimCase :: (srcT -> acc) -> ProdElimCaseF eq srcT x xs acc -> Prod (x:xs) -> acc
instance ProdElim srcT xs acc => ProdElimCase True srcT x xs acc where
type ProdElimCaseF True srcT x xs acc = acc -> ProdElimF srcT xs acc
prodElimCase r f (ProdCons x xs) = prodElim @srcT r (f (r (unsafeCoerce x))) xs
instance ProdElim srcT xs acc => ProdElimCase False srcT x xs acc where
type ProdElimCaseF False srcT x xs acc = x -> ProdElimF srcT xs acc
prodElimCase r f (ProdCons x xs) = prodElim @srcT r (f x) xs
instance (ProdElimCase (srcT == x) srcT x xs acc, ProdElim srcT xs acc) => ProdElim srcT (x:xs) acc where
type ProdElimF srcT (x:xs) acc = ProdElimCaseF (srcT == x) srcT x xs acc
prodElim = prodElimCase @(srcT == x) @srcT @x @xs @acc
newtype SingleElim r x = SingleElim { runSingleElim :: x -> r }
elimSumByProdS :: Prod (Map (SingleElim acc) ts) -> Sum ts -> acc
elimSumByProdS ProdNil x = case x of {}
elimSumByProdS (ProdCons f _) (SumHere x) = runSingleElim f x
elimSumByProdS (ProdCons _ fs) (SumThere xs) = elimSumByProdS fs xs
class SumElim srcT (xs :: [[*]]) (prev :: [[*]]) (src :: [[*]]) (acc :: *) where
type SumElimF srcT xs prev src acc
sumElim :: (srcT -> acc) -> Sum (Map Prod src) -> Prod (Map (SingleElim acc) (Map Prod prev)) -> SumElimF srcT xs prev src acc
instance (Generic srcT, Rep srcT ~ D1 meta cons, CTreeToSum cons, CTreeSum cons ~ src) => SumElim srcT '[] prev src acc where
type SumElimF srcT '[] prev src acc = (acc, srcT -> acc)
sumElim r x elims = (r' x, r' . structure)
r' = elimSumByProdS (mapReverse (reverseProd elims))
mapReverse :: Prod (Reverse (Map (SingleElim acc) (Map Prod prev)))
-> Prod (Map (SingleElim acc) (Map Prod src))
mapReverse = unsafeCoerce
instance (SumElim srcT xs (x:prev) src acc, ProdElim srcT x acc) => SumElim srcT (x:xs) prev src acc where
type SumElimF srcT (x:xs) prev src acc = ProdElimF srcT x acc -> SumElimF srcT xs (x:prev) src acc
sumElim r x elims elim = sumElim @srcT @xs @(x:prev) @src @acc r x $ ProdCons (SingleElim (prodElim @srcT r elim)) elims
elim ::
forall a acc src cons meta.
Generic a =>
Rep a ~ D1 meta cons =>
CTreeToSum cons =>
SumElim a (CTreeSum cons) '[] (CTreeSum cons) acc =>
(a -> acc) -> a -> SumElimF a (CTreeSum cons) '[] (CTreeSum cons) acc
elim r x = sumElim @a @(CTreeSum cons) @'[] @(CTreeSum cons) @acc r (structure x) ProdNil
data A = A | B Int | C Int String deriving Generic
data List a = Cons a (List a) | Nil deriving Generic
x :: List Int
x = Cons 1 (Cons 2 (Cons 3 Nil))
(y, r) = elim r x (:) []
-- y
-- [1, 2, 3]
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