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Created March 17, 2011 03:40
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Discrete Math Using a Computer: Chapter 6 Review Exercises Solutions
{- Discrete Math Using a Computer
Chapter 6: Propositional Logic
Review Exercise
import Stdm
-- Exercise 34: Prove A ^ ~A |- False
ex34 :: Theorem
ex34 = Theorem [And P (Not P)] FALSE
{- Proof in natural deduction style
A and Not A
A and (A -> False)
A, A -> False by And Elimination
False by Modus Ponens
-- TODO: Problems on Natural Deduction
-- Exercise 44: Use Inference Rules to calculate the value of False -> True
{- False -> True
False -> (False -> False)
TODO: Now what?
-- Exercise 45 : What are the truth values of the following?
-- Write list comprehension to calculate values to check work.
logicExpr1 :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
logicExpr1 a b = a /\ b \/ a <=> a
{- Claim: logicExpr1 is a Tautology
Proof is by cases, using Boolean Algebra
Assume a is True
Then, (a ^ b) v a becomes True because P v True is always True
Assume a is False
Then, (a ^ b) v a becomes (False ^ b) v False = False v False = False
In both cases, we see that (a ^ b) v a <=> a
truthTable2 :: (Bool -> Bool -> Bool) -> [(Bool, Bool, Bool)]
truthTable2 f = [(x, y, f x y) | x <- [True, False], y <- [True, False]]
-- *Main> truthTable2 logicExpr1
-- [(True,True,True),(True,False,True),(False,True,True),(False,False,True)]
logicExpr2 a b = (a \/ b) /\ b <=> a /\ b
{- (I thought logicExpr2 would always have the value of b, but that's not correct.
So I'll just generate the truth table)
| a | b | a v b | LHS = (a v b) ^ b | RHS = (a ^ b) | LHS <==> RHS |
| T | T | T | T | T | T |
| T | F | T | F | F | T |
| F | T | T | T | F | F |
| F | F | F | F | F | T |
-- *Main> truthTable2 logicExpr2
-- [(True,True,True),(True,False,True),(False,True,False),(False,False,True)]
-- Exercise 46: Work out values and check with list comprehension
truthTable3 f = [(x, y, z, f x y z) | x <- [True, False], y <- [True, False], z <- [True, False]]
logicExpr3 :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool -> Bool
logicExpr3 a b c= (a /\ b) \/ (a /\ c) ==> a \/ c
Claim: logicExpr3 is a tautology.
Proof is by cases on 'a'
Case: a is True
Left Side: (True ^ b) v (True ^ c)
= b v c
Right Side: True v c
= True
Since P => True is True for any value of P (when P is true, we get True => True,
when P is false, we get False => True, both of which are True)
The statement is a tautology in the case that a is True
Case: a is False
Left Side: (False ^ b) v (False ^ c)
= False v False
= False
Right Side: (a v c)
= False v c
= c
Since False => c is True regardless of the value of c (recall "contradiction" from natural logic)
The statement is a Tautology in the case that a is False
logicExpr3 is a tautology in each individual case, so it is a tautology.
Proof by Truth Table
| a | b | c | a ^ b | a ^ c | LHS = (a ^ b) v (a ^ c) | RHS = (a v c) | LHS => RHS |
| T | T | T | T | T | T | T | T |
| T | T | F | T | F | T | T | T |
| T | F | T | F | T | T | T | T |
| T | F | F | F | F | F | T | T |
| F | T | T | F | F | F | T | T |
| F | T | F | F | F | F | F | T |
| F | F | T | F | F | F | T | T |
| F | F | F | F | F | F | F | T |
So, the statement is a tautology.
*Main> truthTable3 logicExpr3
*Main> all (\ (_, _, _, x) -> x == True) $ truthTable3 logicExpr3
logicExpr4 a b c = (a /\ (b \/ c)) \/ (a \/ c) ==> a \/ c
{- Claim: The Statement is a tautology.
Proof is by cases on "a"
Assume a is true
Left side: (a ^ (b v c)) v (a v c)
= (True ^ (b v c)) v (True v c)
= (b v c) v True
= True
Right side: a v c
= True v c
= True
Since, True ==> True is True, the statement is a tautology whenever a is True
Assume a is false
Left side: (a ^ (b v c)) v (a v c)
= (False ^ (b v c)) v (False v c)
= False v c
= c
Right side: a v c
= False v c
= c
Obviously, c ==> c, so the statement is a tautology when a is False
(If unconvinced by "obviously", do proof by cases on c: False -> False is True,
True -> True is True. So works)
Since the statement is a tautology in each individual case, it is a tautology.
Mechanical proof:
*Main> all (\ (_, _, _, x) -> x == True) $ truthTable3 logicExpr4
-- Exercise 47: Using the logic datatype below, define a function distribute that
-- rewrites an expression using the distributive law
-- and a function demorgan that does the same for demorgan's laws.
-- The logic datatype as they define it conflicts with the Prop datatype in Stdm
-- and for no good reason! I'll just define my function over Prop
demorgan :: Prop -> Prop
demorgan (Not (And p q)) = Or (Not p) (Not q)
demorgan (Not (Or p q)) = And (Not p) (Not q)
demorgan x = x
distribute :: Prop -> Prop
distribute (And p (Or q r)) = Or (And p q) (And q r)
distribute (Or p (And q r)) = And (Or p q) (Or q r)
-- Exercise 48: Prove using Boolean Algebra:
-- (C ^ A ^ B) v C = C ^ (C v (A ^ B))
Proof is by cases on C
Case: C is True
Left Side: (True ^ A ^ B) v True = True
Right Side: True ^ (True v (A ^ B)) = True v (A ^ B) = True
So the equality holds for this case.
Case: C is False
Left Side: (False ^ A ^ B) v False = False v False = False
Right Side: False ^ (False v (A ^ B)) = False
So the equality holds in this case as well.
-- verification by computer
ex48 a b c = ((c /\ a) /\ b) \/ c <=> c /\ (c \/ (a /\ b))
-- *Main> all (\ (_, _, _, x) -> x == True) (truthTable3 ex48)
-- True
-- Exercise 49: Prove that:
-- C v (A ^ (B v C)) = ((C v A) ^ C) v A ^ B
{- Proof is by cases on C
Case: C is True
Left Side: True v (A ^ (B v True)) = True
Right Side: ((True v A) ^ True) v (A ^ B)
= (True ^ True) v (A ^ B)
= True v (A ^ B)
= True
so the equality holds when C is True
Case: C is False
Left Side: False v (A ^ (B v False)) = A ^ (B v False) = A ^ B
Right Side: ((False v A) ^ False) v A ^ B = False v (A ^ B) = A ^ B
So the equality holds when C is False
So the equality holds in both cases.
-- verification by computer:
ex49 a b c = c \/ (a /\ (b \/ c)) <=> ((c \/ a) /\ c) \/ (a /\ b)
-- *Main> all (\ (_, _, _, x) -> x == True) (truthTable3 ex49)
-- True
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