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Last active June 5, 2022 02:47
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Setting up Dump1090, PiAware, FlightRadar24Feed, PlaneFinder Client, AdsbExchange Feeder, AirNav RadarBox Feeder & OpenSky Network Feeder

  1. Fix dump1090-mutability service not working by default, due to missing udev rules:

    sudo wget -O /etc/udev/rules.d/rtl-sdr.rules ""

    sudo reboot

  2. Setup 'dump1090-fa', 'piaware' (FlightAware):

    a. Install:

    `sudo dpkg --install piaware-repository_7.2_all.deb`
    `sudo apt update`
    `sudo apt install dump1090-fa lighttpd piaware`

    b. Check it is running:


    c. Claim your PiAware client on


    d. Reset feeder id:

    	`sudo systemctl stop piaware`
    	`sudo piaware-config feeder-id ""`
    	`sudo rm /var/cache/piaware/feeder_id`
    	`sudo systemctl restart piaware`
  3. Setup 'fr24feed' (FligthRadar24Feed)

    a. Install:

    `echo 'deb flightradar24 raspberrypi-stable' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/fr24.list`
    `sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-key 97A9DF822081EC2A`
    `sudo apt update`
    `sudo apt install fr24feed`

    b. Configure fr24feed:

    i. Signup & configure:
    	`sudo fr24feed --signup`
    ii.	After 'Step 3.C' for 'Would you like to use autoconfig' specify 'yes'.
    	In 'Step 4.1 - Receiver selection', set '4'.
    	In 'Step 4.2 - Connection type', set '1'.
    	In 'Step 4.3A - Receiver IP', set ''.
    	In 'Step 4.3B - Receiver port', set '30005'.

    c. To reconfigure:

    `sudo fr24feed --reconfigure`
  4. Setup 'pfclient' (PlaneFinder client):

    a. Install:

    `sudo dpkg -i pfclient_5.0.161_armhf.deb`

    b. Configure: visit ':30053':

    i.	Enter e-mail ID, latitude, longitude and click 'Create Share Code'.
    ii.	Select 'Beast' for 'Receiver data format' and 'Network' for 'How are
    you connecting to your receiver'.
    iii.	Enter '' for 'IP address' and '30005' for 'Port number'.
  5. Setup 'ADS-B Exchange' feeder:

    a. Install:

    `wget -O /tmp/`
    `sudo bash /tmp/`

    b. Confirm the feeder status:
  6. Setup 'AirNav RadarBox':

    a. Install:

    `sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 1D043681`
    `echo 'deb bullseye main' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/rb24.list`
    `sudo apt update`
    `sudo apt install rbfeeder`

    b. Claim:

    c. Reset:

    Blank the fwg lines in '/etc/rbfeeder.ini':
  7. Setup 'OpenSky Network Feeder':

    a. Create account on OpenSky Network.

    b. Install & configure client:

    `sudo dpkg -i opensky-feeder_latest_armhf.deb`
Copy link

  1. ADSBexchange setup

sudo apt update
sudo apt install git socat
git clone
cd adsb-exchange
chmod +x
sudo ./

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