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How To - Upload and add Images to markdown files in Gist

Markdown files allow embedding images in it. However it requires the image to be hosted at some location and we can add the url of the image to embed it.

Example: ![Alternate image text](https://someurl/imagelocation/image.png)

We can use services like imgur or other services to host the images and use the hosted URL.

What I'm going to show is just a quick and dirty alternative to the above mentioned image hosting services.

Once you have created a Gist, you can add comments to the Gist if required. We'll be using the features of this rich text editor of comment.


1) Pre-requisite : Create a gist with atleast one file.
Create Gist

2) Copy + Paste the image into the Comment field.
Drag and drop the image into the Comment field.
The image will start uploading to Github servers. Uploading Image

3) Once the image is uploaded, the Url link to the hosted image is visible in comments field
Link for uploaded image

  ___Copy and Use this link in the .markdown file___  
  ``![image text](``

4) Save the markdown file. And you'll see the image placed inline in the markdown file. Done!
Image embedded in markdown

You can use it to add GIFs too.

Copy link

drxfty commented Feb 21, 2024


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drxfty commented Feb 27, 2024


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dzungtr commented Jun 7, 2024

nice trick

Copy link

to do this you must have a md file

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