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Created November 12, 2024 21:28
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Bash script that copies the file in first argument to a new copy with current date and time as extension
# Copies the file in first argument to a new copy with current date and time as extension. I usually create a backup copy of any file I will tamper to easily revert back to the old one.
# Usage:
# $jbc test.txt
# Copies test.txt into test.txt.yymmdd_HHMMSS, for instance test.txt.210704_112158
# Put in /usr/bin as jbc (just backup copy)
# Do chmod +x /usr/bin/jbc to make it executable
if [ -z "$1" ]
echo "Missing argument"
d=$(date +%y%m%d_%H%M%S)
echo "Copying $1 to $1.$d..."
cp $1 $1.$d
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