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Quentin Delcourt kant312

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kant312 / .gitlab-ci.yml
Created February 11, 2020 12:31
My ready to go GitLab config to deploy an Eleventy website on a VPS using rsync and ssh
- build
- deploy
stage: build
image: node:lts-buster
key: "$CI_JOB_NAME"
kant312 /
Created July 28, 2019 10:23

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kant312 / extract-translations.php
Last active November 7, 2017 11:21
Script (PHP) to extract all translatable strings from Craft CMS templates located in a specific folder
* @author Quentin Delcourt <[email protected]>
* @date 2017-06-21
* This script will take a folder path in argument and will extract
* all translatable strings from the Craft templates encountered
* in the given folder. Each one of these will be
* outputted to stdOut in CSV format.