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React Native Navigation (v7.18.1) Tab Indicator Example
// The purpose of this gist is to give an idea of how to implement tab indicator functionality using react-native-navigation
// This example is based on rnn-starter (
import { Navigation, LayoutComponent } from 'react-native-navigation';
import merge from 'lodash/merge';
// types
type TabScreen = 'Home' | 'Explore' | 'Account';
type TabScreenInfo = {
name: TabScreen;
componentId: string;
type TabScreens = Array<TabScreenInfo>;
type TabScreensLayouts = {
[key in Screen]: LayoutComponent;
// help methods
const withTabIndicator = (yes = true): Options => ({
bottomTab: {
dotIndicator: {
visible: yes,
color: 'blue',
size: 12,
// screens
const tabScreens: TabScreens = [
{ name: 'Home', componentId: 'HomeComponentId' },
{ name: 'Explore', componentId: 'ExploreComponentId' },
{ name: 'Account', componentId: 'AccountComponentId' },
const tabScreensLayouts: TabScreensLayouts = {
Home: {
id: tabScreens[0].componentId,
name: 'Home',
options: {
...withTabIndicator(), // we set indicator for the first tab
// other props...
Explore: {
id: tabScreens[1].componentId,
name: 'Explore',
options: {
// other props...
Account: {
id: tabScreens[2].componentId,
name: 'Account',
options: {
// other props...
// then, after you register the screens above, we need to register an event from Navigation
async ({ selectedTabIndex, unselectedTabIndex }) => {
const sameTab = selectedTabIndex === unselectedTabIndex;
const selectedTab = tabScreens[selectedTabIndex];
if (selectedTab && !sameTab) {
// clear previous tab indicators
for (const ts of tabScreens) {
Navigation.mergeOptions(ts.componentId, withTabIndicator(false));
// setting tab indicator to a selected tab
Navigation.mergeOptions(selectedTab.componentId, withTabIndicator());
// tab indicators should work :)
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