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Last active December 10, 2024 18:27
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  • Save kanzure/4e7bcc58344ceaa1a668e65a434adb2b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save kanzure/4e7bcc58344ceaa1a668e65a434adb2b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Use the bitcoin-dev pipermail archive and create individual files for each email, using the pipermail order for counting. This should create an identical mapping between URLs from and the actual emails. I use this mapping on for the redirect service. Try using if you need redirect s…
# Used for processing the mbox files found in:
# Why?
# Linux Foundation has deprecated, and now we need a url rewriting map
# for the pipermail archive to numbered email files.
# That remapping app can be found at:
# See for more information.
# bitcoin-dev-ml-archive.2024-02-09-004.tar.gz has bad pipermail .txt.gz
# archives, in particular for 2019-February.txt.gz and 2019-March.txt.gz are both
# bad for bitcoin-dev mailing list, however the bitcoin-dev mbox files are
# correct and include the missing content.
# I believe what happened is that during the migration from Linux Foundation mail
# server to OSUOSL mail server in 2019 there was some outage, and while the mbox
# file was fixed and the generated mailman pipermail archives were corrected, it
# looks like the .txt.gz archives were never updated after that incident.
# Therefore, use the mbox files instead of the pipermail .txt.gz archives in
# this script.
# if mapping output file exists, move it to a /tmp backup
if [[ -f "$mapping_output_file" ]]; then
backup_file="/tmp/$(basename "$mapping_output_file").$(uuidgen).txt"
mv "$mapping_output_file" "$backup_file"
echo "Moved $mapping_output_file to $backup_file"
# setup
mkdir -p "$processed_dir"
mkdir -p "$email_output_dir"
process_mbox() {
local filename="mbox/$1" # mbox filename to process
# check file existence
if [[ -f "$filename" ]]; then
# write current counter to temp file before processing
echo "$email_counter" > "$tmp_counter"
# define the command to process each email
# read current counter from temp file
email_counter=\$(cat $tmp_counter)
# format the email ID as a 6-digit zero-padded number
email_id=\$(printf '%06d' \"\$email_counter\")
# new filename will be the email ID printf 6 digits
new_filename=\$(printf '%06d' \"\$email_counter\")
# save email content to file
cat > \"\$new_fullpath\"
# get the message id from the email
message_id=\$(grep -m 1 \"^Message-ID:\" \"\$new_fullpath\" | sed 's/.*Message-ID: <//; s/>.*//')
# if no message id, then try to parse for Message-Id (case insensitive)
if [ -z \"\$message_id\" ]; then
message_id=\$(grep -i -m 1 \"^[Mm][Ee][Ss][Ss][Aa][Gg][Ee]-[Ii][Dd]:\" \"\$new_fullpath\" | sed 's/.*[Mm][Ee][Ss][Ss][Aa][Gg][Ee]-[Ii][Dd]: *<//; s/>.*//')
# store a mapping between the counter and message_id
echo \"\$message_id | \$new_filename.eml\" >> $mapping_output_file
# keepalive for user
echo \"\$message_id | \$new_filename.eml\"
email_counter=\$((email_counter + 1))
echo \"\$email_counter\" > $tmp_counter
# Use formail to process the emails inside the mbox file
cat "$filename" | formail -s sh -c "$process_email_cmd"
# Update the global counter from the temp file
email_counter=$(cat "$tmp_counter")
echo "File $filename does not exist. Skipping..."
# process all mbox files
for filename in ./mbox/*.mbox; do
process_mbox "$(basename "$filename")"
# Used for processing the lightning-dev pipermail archive found in:
# in particular: bitcoin-dev-ml-archive/pipermail-archives/lightning-dev/
# Why?
# Linux Foundation has deprecated, and now we need a url rewriting map
# for the pipermail archive to numbered email files.
# See for more information.
# output:
# see:
# if mapping output file exists, move it to a /tmp backup
if [[ -f "$mapping_output_file" ]]; then
backup_file="/tmp/$(basename "$mapping_output_file").$(uuidgen).txt"
mv "$mapping_output_file" "$backup_file"
echo "Moved $mapping_output_file to $backup_file"
# setup
mkdir -p "$processed_dir/"
generate_filename_list() {
# lightning-dev isn't this old, of course
local start_year=2011
local start_month=8
local end_year=2024
local end_month=4 # ended earlier than this
local current_year=$start_year
local current_month=$start_month
local filenames=()
while [[ $current_year -lt $end_year || ($current_year -eq $end_year && $current_month -le $end_month) ]]; do
# Get the full month name (e.g., "August")
local month_name=$(date -d "$current_year-$current_month-01" +"%B")
# Format the filename as "{year}-{month_name}.txt.gz"
local filename="${current_year}-${month_name}.txt.gz"
filenames+=("$filename") # Append filename to the list
# Move to the next month
current_month=$((current_month + 1))
if [[ $current_month -gt 12 ]]; then
current_year=$((current_year + 1))
# return a list of filenames
echo "${filenames[@]}"
# function to process a single pipermail .txt.gz file
process_pipermail_file() {
local filename="$1"
# check if the file exists
if [[ -f "$filename" ]]; then
# write current counter to temp file before processing
echo "$email_counter" > "$tmp_counter"
# define the command to process each email
# Read current counter from temp file
email_counter=\$(cat $tmp_counter)
# Format the email ID as a 6-digit zero-padded number
email_id=\$(printf '%06d' \"\$email_counter\")
# remove .txt.gz from filename
base_filename=\$(basename \"\$filename\")
# if email_id is equal to 003215 and year_month_name is equal to 2021-August, then exit 0.
if [ \"\$email_id\" = \"003215\" ] && [ \"\$year_month_name\" = \"2021-August\" ]; then
exit 0
# if email id is to equal to 003216 and year_month_name is equal to 2021-August, then exit 0.
if [ \"\$email_id\" = \"003216\" ] && [ \"\$year_month_name\" = \"2021-August\" ]; then
exit 0
# skip 3257, 3258, 3259 in September, and pick up at 3257 in October
if [ \"\$email_id\" = \"003257\" ] && [ \"\$year_month_name\" = \"2021-September\" ]; then
# skip these
echo \"\$email_counter\" > $tmp_counter
exit 0
# 3257, 3258, 3259 are missing from the LF HTML-generated archive
# and the next email is 003257.html, so we skip these.
# 3259.html should be this email:
# but instead 3259.html is by my count 3262:
# and the .txt.gz 3259.txt email does not appear in the LF HTML-generated archive.
# Create directory if it doesn't exist
mkdir -p \"\$mkdir_path\"
# The new filename will be the email ID printf 6 digits
new_filename=\$(printf '%06d' \"\$email_counter\")
# Save email content to file
cat > \"\$new_fullpath\"
# get the message id from the email
message_id=\$(grep -m 1 \"Message-ID:\" \"\$new_fullpath\" | sed 's/.*Message-ID: <//; s/>.*//')
# if no message id, then try to parse for Message-Id (case insensitive)
if [ -z \"\$message_id\" ]; then
message_id=\$(grep -i -m 1 \"^[Mm][Ee][Ss][Ss][Aa][Gg][Ee]-[Ii][Dd]:\" \"\$new_fullpath\" | sed 's/.*[Mm][Ee][Ss][Ss][Aa][Gg][Ee]-[Ii][Dd]: *<//; s/>.*//')
# store mapping
echo \"$filename | \$email_id | \$message_id | \$new_fullpath\" >> $mapping_output_file
# Output the formatted result for logging
echo \"$filename | \$email_id | \$message_id | \$new_fullpath\"
email_counter=\$((email_counter + 1))
echo \"\$email_counter\" > $tmp_counter
if [ \"\$new_filename\" -eq \"003221\" ]; then
# skip 3222 and 3223
# 003222 in .txt.gz matches Wayback Machine 003224
# 032223 in .txt.gz matches Wayback Machine 003225
# Wayback Machine 003222 from LF HTML-generated archive is 404
# Wayback Machine 003223 from LF HTML-generated archive is 404
# speculation: Someone manually deleted 003222.html and 003223.html, and removed 2 emails from .txt.gz too.
# This must have been after 003224.html or 003225.html was generated.
echo \"\$email_counter\" > $tmp_counter
if [ \"\$new_filename\" -eq \"003265\" ]; then
# 3266, 3267, 3268 are missing from the LF HTML-generated archive on Wayback Machine
# 003266.txt can be found at 003269.html
echo \"\$email_counter\" > $tmp_counter
# use formail to process the emails inside the .gz file
zcat "$filename" | formail -s sh -c "$process_email_cmd"
# update the global counter from the temp file
email_counter=$(cat "$tmp_counter")
echo "File $filename does not exist. Skipping..."
# could just glob *.txt.gz I guess...
# process each of the pipermail *.txt.gz files
for filename in $filenames_list; do
process_pipermail_file "$filename"
import json
import csv
bitcoin_dev_mapping_file = "processed/mapping.bitcoin-dev.txt"
lightning_dev_mapping_file = "processed/mapping.lightning-dev.txt"
output_file = "processed/mapping.json"
def process_bitcoin_dev_mapping(file):
data = {}
for line in file:
# strip any extra whitespace or newline characters
line = line.strip()
# split the line on " | "
if " | " in line:
email_id, path = line.split(" | ")
# Add the mapping to the dictionary
# remove the .eml from the end of the relative path
data[path[:-4]] = email_id
# note that August-2021/019317 is malformed in the bitcoin-dev archive
# or rather: the used parser is somehow wrong.
# its actual message-id is:
#data["019317"] = ""
# That is no longer true.
# seems to match email "[email protected]"
# "" is 2021-August/019330.html
# add the migration email, which was not included in the archive
# because it was sent after the migration
data["022327"] = ""
return data
def process_lightning_dev_mapping(file):
data = {}
csv_reader = csv.reader(file, delimiter='|')
counter = 0
for row in csv_reader:
# Skip empty rows
if not row:
# trim whitespace from each field
row = [field.strip() for field in row]
# unpack fields
(pipermail_archive_filename, sixdigit_id, message_id, email_file_location) = row
# some_id is sixdigit_id with leading zeros removed
some_id = sixdigit_id.lstrip('0')
# id 0 is "" so let's special case that and fix it
if counter == 0:
some_id = 0
# email_file_location looks like "processed/{year}-{month}/id.txt"
# remove the "processed/" prefix
email_file_location = email_file_location.replace("processed/", "")
# NOTE: The format of this dictionary is different than the bitcoin-dev dictionary.
data[sixdigit_id] = {
'pipermail_archive_filename': "lightning-dev/" +pipermail_archive_filename,
'id': int(some_id),
'sixdigit_id': sixdigit_id,
'message_id': message_id,
'email_file_location': email_file_location,
counter += 1
return data
# Dictionary to store the mappings
data = {}
# Read the file and process each line
with open(bitcoin_dev_mapping_file, "r") as file:
data["bitcoin-dev"] = process_bitcoin_dev_mapping(file)
with open(lightning_dev_mapping_file, "r") as file:
data["lightning-dev"] = process_lightning_dev_mapping(file)
# Write the dictionary to a JSON file
with open(output_file, "w") as json_file:
json.dump(data, json_file, indent=4)
print(f"JSON file '{output_file}' created successfully.")
# Verify broken links and replacement with:
# from
# find and replace with prefix
find ./ -type f -exec sed -i 's|||g' {} +
find ./ -type f -exec sed -i 's|||g' {} +
# Resolve without a permalink
# update to in __main__ and to use resolve_remotely (this will be slow)
find ./workdir/ -type f -name "*.md" -exec python3 {} \;
import sys
import json
import datetime
import urllib.parse
import re
import os
# for remote resolving
# pip3 install requests
import requests
class ResolverStatusException(Exception):
# if using remote resolver
RESOLVER_HOST = "http://localhost:5000"
# mapping file only has these two mailing lists
# various URL prefixes that this redirector can handle
MAPPING_LOCATION = __file__.replace("", "mapping.json")
def load_mapping(mapping_location=MAPPING_LOCATION):
with open(mapping_location, 'r') as f:
mapping = json.load(f)
# note that August-2021/019317 is malformed in the bitcoin-dev archive
# or rather: the used parser is somehow wrong.
# its actual message-id is:
mapping["bitcoin-dev"]["019317"] = ""
# this one is missing in the mapping.json file
# the email was sent after the migration!
mapping["bitcoin-dev"]["022327"] = ""
# This is fixed in future runs of
return mapping
print("ERROR: Could not load mapping.json")
def load_and_set_global_mapping(mapping_location=MAPPING_LOCATION):
global MAPPING
if MAPPING in [None, {}]:
# slow! slow! slow!
mapping = load_mapping(mapping_location=mapping_location)
# update global variable value
MAPPING = mapping
return MAPPING
return MAPPING
def parse_filepart(filepart):
"""Parse a filepart in format '{year}-{month}/{id}.html' into its components."""
year_month, some_filename = filepart.split("/")
year, month = year_month.split("-")
return (year, month, some_filename)
# super slow
def resolve_remotely(url):
response = requests.head(f"{RESOLVER_HOST}/{url}", allow_redirects=True)
if response.status_code >= 400:
raise ResolverStatusException(f"Error: Resolver unable to resolve {url}")
return response.url
# useful for testing file modification in general
# also a find/sed replacement?
def resolve_simply(url, mapping=None):
return "" + url
def resolve_locally(url, mapping=None):
# TODO: if you want to actually use wayback machine here, then download
# their url list and do the redirector in python instead of making users
# click the date selection page.
#new_url = '*/' + url
#return new_url
# archive root url
if re.match(r'^https?://lists\.linuxfoundation\.org/pipermail/bitcoin-dev/?$', url):
return ""
# mailing list info page
if re.match(r'^https?://lists\.linuxfoundation\.org/mailman/listinfo/bitcoin-dev/?$', url):
return ""
attachment_paths = ["bitcoin-dev/attachments", "lightning-dev/attachments"]
if any(x in url for x in attachment_paths):
print("ERROR: Can't handle attachments yet: ", url)
return "*/" + url
# like
# check that the url matches one of the known prefixes
piperarchive = None
if url.startswith(prefix):
piperarchive = url[len(prefix):]
print("ERROR: Given url did not match any known prefix: ", url)
return None
# just being cautious, should be unnecessary
if not piperarchive:
print("ERROR: piperarchive is None")
return None
for mailing_list_name in SUPPORTED_MAILING_LIST_NAMES:
if piperarchive.startswith(mailing_list_name + "/"):
print("ERROR: Could not find matching mailing list name in piperarchive: ", url)
return None
if mapping in [None, {}]:
# this can be very slow!
mapping = load_and_set_global_mapping()
if mapping in [None, {}]:
raise Exception("ERROR: Mapping is empty")
if piperarchive.startswith("bitcoin-dev/"):
filepart = piperarchive[len("bitcoin-dev/"):]
# filepart is in format {year}-{month}/{id}.html
(year, month, some_filename) = parse_filepart(filepart)
if some_filename in ["thread.html", "date.html", "subject.html", "author.html"]:
month_num = datetime.datetime.strptime(month, "%B").month
start_date = datetime.datetime(int(year), month_num, 1)
end_date = datetime.datetime(int(year), month_num, 1) + datetime.timedelta(days=32)
end_date = end_date.replace(day=1) # first day of next month
# represent in git approxdate format
date_range = f"d:{start_date.year}-{start_date.month:02d}-01..{end_date.year}-{end_date.month:02d}-01"
url_encoded_date_range = urllib.parse.quote(date_range)
new_url = f"{BITCOIN_DEV_PUBLIC_INBOX_URL}?q={url_encoded_date_range}"
return new_url
elif ".html" in filepart:
# filename without the .html extension
# TODO: simplify and use some_filename here
locator = filepart[:-len(".html")]
# everything after the last / in locator
sixdigit_id = locator.split("/")[-1]
if mapping not in [None, {}]:
# somewhat slow lookup, compared to template print id into url
message_id = mapping["bitcoin-dev"][sixdigit_id]
new_url = f"{BITCOIN_DEV_PUBLIC_INBOX_URL}{message_id}/"
return new_url
#new_url = f"{BITCOIN_DEV_PIPERMAIL_ARCHIVE_URL}txt/{sixdigit_id}.txt"
#return new_url
return None
return None
elif piperarchive.startswith("lightning-dev/"):
filepart = piperarchive[len("lightning-dev/"):]
if some_filename in ["thread.html", "date.html", "subject.html", "author.html"]:
return None
elif ".html" in filepart:
year_month_id = filepart[:-len(".html")]
just_id = year_month_id.split("/")[-1]
if mapping not in [None, {}]:
message_data = mapping["lightning-dev"][just_id]
email_file_location = message_data["email_file_location"]
new_url = f"{LIGHTNING_DEV_PIPERMAIL_ARCHIVE_URL}{email_file_location}"
return new_url
#new_url = f"{LIGHTNING_DEV_PIPERMAIL_ARCHIVE_URL}txt/{just_id}.txt"
#return new_url
return None
return None
return None
return None
def resolve_redirect_url(url):
print(f"Resolving {url}")
resolver = resolve_locally
resolver = resolve_remotely
# check if the URL matches the specified pattern
if re.match(r'^https?://lists\.linuxfoundation\.org/', url):
resolved_url = resolver(url)
except ResolverStatusException as e:
# no redirect was found by remote server
return url
# if no redirect was found, return original URL
if not resolved_url:
return url
# resolve_locally can return None
if resolved_url != None:
print(f"Resolved {url} to {resolved_url}")
return resolved_url
return url
return url
return url
def process_file(file_path):
Look for URLs in the file and replace them with the resolved URLs.
print(f"Processing {file_path}")
with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
content =
# Look for URLs in the file and replace them with resolved URLs.
content = re.sub(r'(https?://lists\.linuxfoundation\.org/[^ \n]+)', lambda match: resolve_redirect_url(, content)
with open(file_path, 'w') as file:
def find():
Find all .md files in workdir directory and process them with process_file()
for root, dirs, files in os.walk("./workdir/"):
for file in files:
if file.endswith(".md"):
filepath = os.path.join(root, file)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# slow mode:
# slow because it loads mapping.json every time
#find ./workdir/ -type f -name "*.md" -exec python3 {} \;
# fast mode:
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kanzure commented Dec 10, 2024

In the archive file, the lightning-dev pipermail archive has 2 extra emails 003215 and 003216, and Wayback Machine indicates that LF continued numbering at 003215 skipping 2 emails for the HTML-rendered archive.

I don't know why the .txt.gz pipermail archives include 2 extra emails, or why the HTML-rendered archives do not include these emails, or why the HTML-rendered archives use a different numbering scheme.

This issue was reported by @harding.

While I am at it, I might as well reiterate a message I included in one of the scripts, this time pertaining to missing files in the bitcoin-dev pipermail .txt.gz archives:

# bitcoin-dev-ml-archive.2024-02-09-004.tar.gz has bad pipermail .txt.gz
# archives, in particular for 2019-February.txt.gz and 2019-March.txt.gz are both
# bad for bitcoin-dev mailing list, however the bitcoin-dev mbox files are
# correct and include the missing content.
# I believe what happened is that during the migration from Linux Foundation mail
# server to OSUOSL mail server in 2019 there was some outage, and while the mbox
# file was fixed and the generated mailman pipermail archives were corrected, it
# looks like the .txt.gz archives were never updated after that incident.

I don't have a comprehensive lightning-dev.mbox file. If someone was to produce one, then a more canonical lightning-dev email archive could be generated, and public-inbox could even be setup like was done for the bitcoin-dev mailing list.

(The bitcoin-dev.mbox files came from the LF server. If I was to source a lightning-dev.mbox file from someone else, then I would run a comparison against the pipermail-generated archives, and possibly ask for someone else's lightning-dev.mbox file too, so that the contents could be compared for tampering since there is, to my knowledge, no longer a secure canonical source available to verify against.)

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kanzure commented Dec 10, 2024

Several lightning-dev mapping bugs, including the ones mentioned above in the last comment, have been fixed here in this revision:

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