GIF can't be uploaded. Not sure why. See here if you want...directly on imgur website
I use R help in browser for
- Vim keybindings with Vimium, particularly useful for
GIF can't be uploaded. Not sure why. See here if you want...directly on imgur website
I use R help in browser for
There is always something to learn in Vim 😎
Sharing my personal notes -- Vim's useful tricks I learned from Learn Vim owned by Igor Irianto. Feel free to follow them on Twitter! I can't remember them all so I started making notes weeks ago.
Igor Irianto has also written a great book Gourmet Vim: A Vim Cookbook to Master the Vim Editor
In .Rprofile
# Install ----------------------------------------
Just for fun 😄. I saw this post about Pfizer's Vaccine Effectiveness Simulation. So I simply translate the Bayesian model (implemented in Stan) into my favorite Julia library Turing.jl. For details, please read the link.
Very briefly, from Vaccine Effectiveness Simulation
NYT reports a 44 thousand person trial with half of the people going to treatment and half to control. They further report that 162 people developed COVID in the control group and 8 where in the vaccine group. What is the probability that the vaccine is effective and what is the uncertainty in that probability? The Pfizer protocol defines vaccine effectiveness as follows:
Just discovered a nice little custom {skimr} summary stats by rOpenSci. I use it mainly in the R console for quick summary
& tail
of raw dataInitial draft. Use at your own risk. Feel free to use it at your interactive package, .Rprofile, etc
stands for summaryRelated tweets
Codes are avaiable in both Julia and R. No dependency. You simply run it, or play around with it.
For medium (not big) data with RAM issues, for native R solutions, I often use {fst} + {data.table}. Keys are
Quote from Lightning fast serialization of data frames using the fst package
For a few years now, solid state disks (SSD’s) have been getting larger in capacity, faster and much cheaper. It’s not uncommon to find a high-performance SSD with speeds of up to multiple GB/s in a medium-end laptop. At the same time, the number of cores per CPU keeps growing. The combination of these two trends are opening up the way for data science to work on large data sets using a very modest computer setup.
First of all, thank you jalvesaq for the great package! 🙏🙏
If you'd like to colorize R terminal output you can use {jalvesaq/colorout}
I customize extra color patterns for
A basic/naive test
join + update-by-reference
from Left join using data.tablesetkey
during join"I want to do fast & memory efficient joins but I don't want to read the performance benchmark...". You can skip to Keyfindings & Examples sections below.