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George Karagkiaouris karaggeorge

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karaggeorge / How to use Global
Created May 18, 2021 20:01
How to use Global Resources

Using Global Resources

When creating UI we try to re-use as much as we can. This allows for easier refactoring, and good standards in our codebase. Below are some ways to re-use some global resources defined and available in our project.


In order to use our predefined global colors, you can just add @colors/[color name]. For example: @colors/primaryRed.

If you need a color custom for your feature that is not defined there, you can define it in a local colors.xml in your module.

karaggeorge / How to create Global
Created May 18, 2021 18:52
How to create Global Resources

Creating Global Resources

This document will guide on where and how to create global resources to be used throughout the app.

Note that resources should only be added this way if they are meant to be used everywhere in the app, in other modules.

If the resources being added are specific to a feature, those should be added to that feature's -ui module, or if shared between a few modules, -ui-slice module instead.

As a general guideline, these are the global resources as handed to dev by the design team. See resource specific sections for more details.


  • One
  • Two
karaggeorge / Macys Code
Last active February 9, 2021 17:35
Macys Code Pad
karaggeorge / Branch
Last active April 14, 2021 13:53
Branch CUt

Android Branch Cut


Email Make sure to send an email the day before the branch cut and one the day off in the morning (you can reply-all for the second one) to the mobileapps outlook group with the following format (subject can just be Android Branch Cut (21.01_R1) with the right version of course):

karaggeorge /
Last active March 4, 2021 20:29

Charles Proxy

SSL Proxying

Charles Setup

On the menu bar click Proxy -> SSL Proxying

On the window that opens up, check the option Enable SSL Proxying

  • Get the .proto file from the API team
  • Find you feature's data module (i.e. storemode-data)
  • For the next few steps, I suggest using the Project view instead of Android for the file menu
  • Add the following to your module's build.gradle, after the other apply statements at the top of the file:

apply from: '../build-protobuf.gradle'

  • If your proto file includes other types like Errors, you'll also need to include the following in your dependencies:


karaggeorge /
Created October 23, 2019 12:56
Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

Git Flow

When you start working on a new story these are the steps that you need to follow:


  • Start a new local branch from the appropriate branch
  • Work on completing the work that the story requires
karaggeorge /
Last active September 6, 2019 16:08
ProRes Benchmark

Laptop Specs

MacBook Pro (2019), 2.6 GHz Intel Core i7, 32 GB 2400 MHz DDR4

Test Files

Encoding: ProRes

FPS: 25