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Last active March 6, 2021 09:41
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dpkg name format


List 32-bit packages

dpkg --list | grep i386

What version is currently installed for [package]?

dpkg --status [package]

[file] is installed by which [package]?

dpkg --search [file]

What files are installed with [package]?

dpkg --listfiles [package]

Upgrade packages

apt-get upgrade never installs new packages and never remove existing packages.

apt upgrade never removes existing packages but might install new packages. It also upgrades kernel packages and kernal image if any.

apt full-upgrade upgrades packages and kernel packages. It might install new packages or remove existing ones if it is necessary for the ugrade.

Key management

apt-key add [pgp-key]

apt-key del [id]


List WiFi networks within range

nmcli device wifi list

List managed network connections

nmcli connection show

Connect to WiFi network

nmcli device wifi connect [ssid] password [password]


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