Kubernetes package manager
➜ Render manifest of chart
helm template [CHART]
➜ Render manifest of existing release
helm get template [RELEASE]
➜ Print chart values (configuration)
helm show values [CHART]
➜ Manage repository
helm repo add <repo> <url>
helm repo list
➜ Search charts for a keyword from all the repositories configured
helm search repo [KEYWORD]
➜ Pull chart
helm pull --tar repository/webchart
➜ Login into registry
export HELM_EXPERIMENTAL_OCI=1 && helm registry login -u $USER -p $PASS [REGISTRY_URL]
➜ Pull chart
helm pull oci://[REGISTRY_CHART_URL] --untar --version [CHART_VERSION]
➜ Install package
helm install [RELEASE] [CHART]
➜ Upgrade package. It doesn't wait for deployments/pods to be running. Marks release as successful as soon as manifests applied.
helm upgrade [RELEASE] [CHART]
➜ Wait until helm resources are ready before marking the release successful.
helm upgrade [RELEASE] [CHART] --wait
helm rollback [RELEASE] [VERSION]
helm uninstall [RELEASE]
➜ Override chart values
helm install [CHART] -f values.yaml -f override.yaml
helm install [CHART] -f values.yaml --set foo=bar --set foo=baz
➜ List releases
helm list
➜ Show status
helm status [RELEASE]
➜ Show revision history
helm history [RELEASE]
➜ Download dependency into /charts
helm dependency build [chart]
Chart.lock ???
helm dependency update vs. build???