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Created May 3, 2019 15:57
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#identify which users are active by looking at their revenue per month
tx_user_purchase = tx_uk.groupby(['CustomerID','InvoiceYearMonth'])['Revenue'].sum().reset_index()
#create retention matrix with crosstab
tx_retention = pd.crosstab(tx_user_purchase['CustomerID'], tx_user_purchase['InvoiceYearMonth']).reset_index()
#create an array of dictionary which keeps Retained & Total User count for each month
months = tx_retention.columns[2:]
retention_array = []
for i in range(len(months)-1):
retention_data = {}
selected_month = months[i+1]
prev_month = months[i]
retention_data['InvoiceYearMonth'] = int(selected_month)
retention_data['TotalUserCount'] = tx_retention[selected_month].sum()
retention_data['RetainedUserCount'] = tx_retention[(tx_retention[selected_month]>0) & (tx_retention[prev_month]>0)][selected_month].sum()
#convert the array to dataframe and calculate Retention Rate
tx_retention = pd.DataFrame(retention_array)
tx_retention['RetentionRate'] = tx_retention['RetainedUserCount']/tx_retention['TotalUserCount']
#plot the retention rate graph
plot_data = [
plot_layout = go.Layout(
xaxis={"type": "category"},
title='Monthly Retention Rate'
fig = go.Figure(data=plot_data, layout=plot_layout)
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