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My resumé
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% Resume in Latex | |
% Author : Jake Gutierrez | |
% Based off of: | |
% License : MIT | |
%------------------------ | |
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%------------------------------------------- | |
%%%%%% RESUME STARTS HERE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% | |
\begin{document} | |
\begin{center} | |
\textbf{\Huge \scshape Karanja Mutahi} \\ \vspace{3pt} | |
\small (+44) 07880967494 $|$ \href{mailto:[email protected]}{\underline{[email protected]}} $|$ | |
\href{}{\underline{}} $|$ | |
\href{}{\underline{}} | |
\end{center} | |
%-----------EDUCATION----------- | |
\section{Education} | |
\resumeSubHeadingListStart | |
\resumeSubheading | |
{Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture \& Technology}{Nairobi,} | |
{Bachelor of Science in Electrical \& Electronics Engineering}{Sep 2015 - Nov 2021} | |
\resumeSubHeadingListEnd | |
%-----------EXPERIENCE----------- | |
\section{Experience} | |
\resumeSubHeadingListStart | |
\resumeSubheading | |
{Software Engineer}{July 2021 - Present} | |
{Goldman Sachs}{London, UK} | |
\resumeItemListStart | |
\resumeItem{Implemented a job to send periodic alerts of built-up errors that increased visibility of system faults and \textbf{led to a 19\% increase in resolved exceptions.}} | |
\resumeItem{Implemented a continuous deployment pipeline to Kubernetes that introduced code versioning for preproduction environments, led to \textbf{faster release cycles (every two days from once a week)} and faster, safer rollbacks. } | |
\resumeItem{Implemented a gRPC web service to manage loan trades and persist data on Spanner. Led to \textgreater90\% reduction in data quality issues due to a clear data contract.} | |
\resumeItemListEnd | |
\resumeSubheading | |
{Software Engineer}{April 2021 -- July 2021} | |
{Microsoft}{Nairobi, KE} | |
\resumeItemListStart | |
\resumeItem{Removed dead code surrounding a deprecated feature and reworked associated tests that touched about 4\% of the module's code base} | |
\resumeItemListEnd | |
\resumeSubheading | |
{Software Engineering Intern}{July 2020 -- Aug 2020} | |
{Goldman Sachs}{London, UK} | |
\resumeItemListStart | |
\resumeItem{Implemented a proof of concept of a distributed cache service on Apache Ignite which \textbf{reduced initial fetch time by 55\% across all deplomeyment regions. }} | |
\resumeItem{Implemented a metrics collection service in Prometheus format which served as a service level indicator. \textbf{Increased the firm's monitored services by 2 \& improved the team's SRE compliance}} | |
\resumeItemListEnd | |
% -----------Multiple Positions Heading----------- | |
% \resumeSubSubheading | |
% {Software Engineer I}{Oct 2014 - Sep 2016} | |
% \resumeItemListStart | |
% \resumeItem{Apache Beam} | |
% {Apache Beam is a unified model for defining both batch and streaming data-parallel processing pipelines} | |
% \resumeItemListEnd | |
% \resumeSubHeadingListEnd | |
%------------------------------------------- | |
\resumeSubheading | |
{Software Engineering Contractor}{July 2019 -- Feb 2020} | |
{Novek Enterprises}{Nairobi, KE} | |
\resumeItemListStart | |
\resumeItem{Implemented a mobile money billing feature and an MQTT telemetry feature for a proof of concept of a liquid cooking oil vending machine in C++. } | |
\resumeItemListEnd | |
\resumeSubheading | |
{Software Engineering Intern}{July 2018 -- Nov 2018} | |
{BRCK Inc.}{Nairobi, KE} | |
\resumeItemListStart | |
\resumeItem{Implemented a visualization script in Python to fetch datapoints from IoT devices in the field and display them on a Google Sheet for monthly customer reports. \textbf{Reduced report generation time from 4 hours to 15 minutes}} | |
\resumeItemListEnd | |
\resumeSubHeadingListEnd | |
%-----------PROJECTS----------- | |
\section{Projects} | |
\resumeSubHeadingListStart | |
\resumeProjectHeading | |
{\textbf{Jacobian Project} $|$ \emph{Flask, Vue.js, Nuxt.js, PostgreSQL,Docker}}{\href{}{\color{blue}Link}} | |
\resumeItemListStart | |
\resumeItem{Developed a full-stack web application using with Flask serving a REST API with Server-Side-Rendered Vue (Nuxt.js) as the frontend} | |
\resumeItemListEnd | |
\resumeProjectHeading | |
{\textbf{Mess Bot} $|$ \emph{Telegram Bot API, Node.JS, NLTK}}{\href{}{\color{blue}Link}} | |
\resumeItemListStart | |
\resumeItem{Built a Telegram Chat Bot to facilitate asynchronous food ordering and collection from the school cafeteria} | |
\resumeItem{Learned about handling free-form text input via tokenization} | |
\resumeItemListEnd | |
\resumeSubHeadingListEnd | |
% | |
%-----------PROGRAMMING SKILLS----------- | |
\section{Technical Skills} | |
\begin{itemize}[leftmargin=0.15in, label={}] | |
\small{\item{ | |
\textbf{Languages}{: Java, Python, Javascript, C/C++, Golang} \\ | |
\textbf{Frameworks}{: React, Vue js, Flask, Spring, Tailwind, Gorilla} \\ | |
\textbf{Tools \& Platforms}{: Git, Docker, GCP, Azure, Kubernetes, CI/CD } | |
}} | |
\end{itemize} | |
%------------------------------------------- | |
%------------LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCE-------- | |
\section{Awards} | |
\resumeItemListStart | |
\resumeItem{Shadowed the CTO following good performance on the Goldman Sachs Internship program. Got a first hand view of high level decisions and learned a lot about leading a large technology organisation} | |
\resumeItem{Won the National Level of the Microsoft Imagine Cup 2018} | |
\resumeItemListEnd | |
\end{document} |
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