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karan dhillon karanpal-dhillon

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karanpal-dhillon / .tmux.conf
Created March 9, 2025 02:11 — forked from adibhanna/.tmux.conf
# Configuration
# Use Vi mode
setw -g mode-keys vi
# Increase scrollback buffer size
set -g history-limit 10000
karanpal-dhillon / my.cnf
Created August 2, 2022 06:57 — forked from fevangelou/my.cnf
Optimized my.cnf configuration for MySQL/MariaDB (on Ubuntu, CentOS, Almalinux etc. servers)
# === Optimized my.cnf configuration for MySQL/MariaDB (on Ubuntu, CentOS, Almalinux etc. servers) ===
# by Fotis Evangelou, developer of Engintron (
# ~ Updated December 2021 ~
# The settings provided below are a starting point for a 8-16 GB RAM server with 4-8 CPU cores.
# If you have different resources available you should adjust accordingly to save CPU, RAM & disk I/O usage.

FWIW: I'm not the author of the content presented here (which is an outline from Edmond Lau's book). I've just copy-pasted it from somewhere over the Internet, but I cannot remember what exactly the original source is. I was also not able to find the author's name, so I cannot give him/her the proper credits.

Effective Engineer - Notes

What's an Effective Engineer?

elementaryOS Apps and Configs

This guide has been updated for elementaryOS v5.0+.

Enbale PPA support

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install software-properties-common

Install original plank dock

karanpal-dhillon /
Last active May 1, 2019 14:53 — forked from bradtraversy/
Helpful shortcuts for VSCode

VSCode Shortcuts

List of helpful shortcuts for faster coding

  • For mac, replace "Ctrl" with "cmd" and "Alt" with "option"

Official List of all commands

karanpal-dhillon / vsc_js_snippets.json
Created April 28, 2019 14:09 — forked from bradtraversy/vsc_js_snippets.json
VSCode JavaScript Snippets
"Console Log": {
"prefix": "cl",
"body": "console.log($1);",
"description": "Console Log"
"Named Function": {
"prefix": "nfn",
"body": ["function ${1:functionName}($2) {", " $3", "}"],
"description": "Named Function"
karanpal-dhillon /
Created January 20, 2019 14:44 — forked from bradtraversy/
Docker Compose FIle For Wordpress, MySQL & phpmyadmin

Wordpress & Docker

This file will setup Wordpress, MySQL & PHPMyAdmin with a single command. Add the code below to a file called "docker-compose.yaml" and run the command

$ docker-compose up -d

# To Tear Down
$ docker-compose down --volumes