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Karol Bucek kares

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# reproducer for
# If a certificate has two trust paths, jruby doesn't prioritize using non expired certificates, while CRuby (openssl 1.1.1+) does
# In this reproducer we have a leaf certificate with two possible chains:
# a) leaf -> intermediate cert A -> ISRG Root X1 cross-signed by (expired) DST ROOT CA X3 -> (expired) DST ROOT CA X3
# b) leaf -> intermediate cert B -> ISRG Root X1
# JRuby will produce chain a) causing an error, while CRuby produces a valid chain b)
require 'openssl'
require 'net/http'
def cert_from_url(url)
kares / logstash.conf
Last active June 2, 2021 10:34 — forked from andsel/sender.rb
Simple RabbitMQ sender
input {
rabbitmq {
codec => plain
host => "localhost"
key => "#"
exchange => "sysmsg" # string (optional)
queue => 'dur-no-policy-4'
durable => true
kares / jit_max_force.rb
Created September 27, 2019 12:29
force -Xjit.max setting on JRuby <= 9.2.8
# force -Xjit.max setting on JRuby <= 9.2.8
# forcing is not perfect -
# counter for existing methods will still keep incrementing but compilation is expected to halt
# @note -Xjit.max has no effect on JRuby 9K - its only enforced since 9.2.9
( do
require 'ffi'
module MemoryLock
extend FFI::Library
ffi_lib FFI::Library::LIBC
# int mlockall(int flags);
attach_function :mlockall, [:int], :int
# int munlockall(void);
attach_function :munlockall, [], :int
kares / to_bool.rb
Created July 23, 2019 16:53
`params[:foo].to_bool`, `ENV['bar'].to_bool` and others
# frozen_string_literal: true
class Object
# Convert to a boolean value (special cased for String/Numeric).
# @return [Boolean] false for nil and false ('true', '1' return true and 0 returns false)
# @see String#to_bool
# @see Numeric#to_bool
def to_bool
kares / stack.dump
Created January 24, 2019 11:03
left-over threads
Thread 0x1a1962 ():
/usr/local/rvm/rubies/jruby- `wait'
/usr/local/rvm/rubies/jruby- `wait'
/srv/phone/apptastic/shared/bundle/jruby/2.3.0/gems/future-resource-1.1.0/lib/future-resource.rb:66:in `resource'
/usr/local/rvm/rubies/jruby- `mon_synchronize'
/srv/phone/apptastic/shared/bundle/jruby/2.3.0/gems/future-resource-1.1.0/lib/future-resource.rb:65:in `resource'
/srv/phone/apptastic/shared/bundle/jruby/2.3.0/gems/future-resource-1.1.0/lib/future-resource.rb:64:in `timeout'
/srv/phone/apptastic/shared/bundle/jruby/2.3.0/gems/future-resource-1.1.0/lib/future-resource.rb:64:in `resource'
/srv/phone/apptastic/shared/bundle/jruby/2.3.0/bundler/gems/adhearsion-2676734110e0/lib/adhearsion/rayo/component/component_node.rb:56:in `complete_event'
/srv/phone/apptastic/shared/bundle/jruby/2.3.0/bundler/gems/adhearsion-2676734110e0/lib/adhearsion/call_controller.rb:230:in `execute_compon
kares / monitor_daemon.rb
Created January 23, 2019 08:17
Daemon thread that logs memory usage an load (for JRuby)
require 'logger'
class MonitorDaemon
LOG_FILE = 'monitor.log'
LOG_FILES_MAX = 10 * 1024 * 1024 # 10MB
LOG_FILES_KEEP = 10 # keep 10 (max 100MB)
LOGGER = begin
if $servlet_context && ENV_JAVA['catalina.base'] && # {tomcat_base}/logs
kares / assets.rb
Last active November 29, 2016 09:32
SASS (asset) path/url functions patch to make sure non absolute /assets URLs are returned (e.g. for bootstrap-sass)
if File.basename($0) == 'rake' && ARGV.include?('assets:precompile') # Rails.env.production?
puts "patching sass functions to return relative asset paths" if $VERBOSE
require 'sprockets/sass/functions'
sass_functions = Sprockets::Sass::Functions
Autoload::Sass::Script rescue nil # loading
rescue LoadError # 2.x
require 'sprockets/sass_functions'
kares / heap-dump.backtrace.js
Last active November 24, 2016 05:50
Extract relevant (partial backtrace) information from heap-dump using OQL
map( heap.objects('org.jruby.runtime.ThreadContext'), function(ctx) {
var str = toHtml(ctx) + " oid: " + objectid(ctx);
str += " ";
var toHtmlObj = function(obj) { return "<br> " + toHtml(obj); };
try {
//return str + doObjPath(ctx, toHtmlObj, 'thread', 'threadImpl', 'nativeThread', 'referent');
str += resolveObjPath(ctx, 'thread', 'threadImpl', 'nativeThread', 'referent', 'name').toString();
str += '<br> backtraceIndex = ' + ctx.backtraceIndex;
kares / slow_query_log.rb
Last active March 23, 2022 09:40
ActiveRecord slow query logging in Rails ... setup using: config.slow_query_log_threshold_in_ms = 500
require 'active_record/log_subscriber'
class SlowQueryLog < ActiveSupport::LogSubscriber
if Rails.configuration.respond_to?(:slow_query_log_threshold_in_ms)
if @@threshold = Rails.configuration.slow_query_log_threshold_in_ms
@@threshold = @@threshold.to_i == 0 ? nil : @@threshold.to_i
@@threshold = nil