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Forked from pamelafox/
Last active August 29, 2015 14:09
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from selenium.common.exceptions import NoSuchElementException, TimeoutException
class DomHelper(object):
driver = None
waiter = None
def open_page(self, url):
def reload_page(self):
def print_el(self, element):
print 'tag: ' + element.tag_name + ' id: ' + element.get_attribute('id') + ' class: ' + element.get_attribute('class') + ' text: ' + element.text
def get_el(self, selector):
if isinstance(selector, (str, unicode)):
return self.driver.find_element_by_css_selector(selector)
return selector
def get_els(self, selector):
if isinstance(selector, (str, unicode)):
return self.driver.find_elements_by_css_selector(selector)
return selector
def get_child_el(self, parent, selector):
return parent.find_element_by_css_selector(selector)
except NoSuchElementException:
return None
def get_child_els(self, parent, selector):
return parent.find_elements_by_css_selector(selector)
def is_el_present(self, selector):
return True
except NoSuchElementException:
return False
def verify_el_present(self, selector):
if not self.is_el_present(selector):
raise Exception('Element %s not found' % selector)
def is_el_visible(self, selector):
return self.get_el(selector).is_displayed()
def click_button(self, selector):
if == 'iPhone':
self.driver.execute_script('$("%s").trigger("tap")' % (selector))
def enter_text_field(self, selector, text):
text_field = self.get_el(selector)
def select_checkbox(self, selector, name, deselect=False):
found_checkbox = False
checkboxes = self.get_els(selector)
for checkbox in checkboxes:
if checkbox.get_attribute('name') == name:
found_checkbox = True
if not deselect and not checkbox.is_selected():
if deselect and checkbox.is_selected():
if not found_checkbox:
raise Exception('Checkbox %s not found.' % (name))
def select_option(self, selector, value):
found_option = False
options = self.get_els(selector)
for option in options:
if option.get_attribute('value') == str(value):
found_option = True
if not found_option:
raise Exception('Option %s not found' % (value))
def get_selected_option(self, selector):
options = self.get_els(selector)
for option in options:
if option.is_selected():
return option.get_attribute('value')
def is_option_selected(self, selector, value):
options = self.get_els(selector)
for option in options:
if option.is_selected() != (value == option.get_attribute('value')):
print option.get_attribute('value')
return False
return True
def is_text_equal(self, selector, text):
return self.get_el(selector).text == text
def verify_inputs_checked(self, selector, checked):
checkboxes = self.get_els(selector)
for checkbox in checkboxes:
name = checkbox.get_attribute('name')
if checkbox.is_selected() != (name in checked):
raise Exception('Input isnt checked as expected - %s' % (name))
def verify_option_selected(self, selector, value):
if not self.is_option_selected(selector, value):
raise Exception('Option isnt selected as expected')
def verify_radio_value(self, selector, value):
value = str(value)
radios = self.get_els(selector)
for radio in radios:
radio_value = radio.get_attribute('value')
if radio.is_selected() and radio_value != value:
raise Exception('Radio with value %s is checked and shouldnt be' % radio_value)
elif not radio.is_selected() and radio_value == value:
raise Exception('Radio with value %s isnt checked and should be' % radio_value)
def verify_text_field(self, selector, text):
text_field = self.get_el(selector)
value = text_field.get_attribute('value')
if value != text:
raise Exception('Text field contains %s, not %s' % (value, text))
def verify_text_value(self, selector, value):
text_field = self.get_el(selector)
if text_field.get_attribute('value') != value:
raise Exception('Value of %s not equal to "%s" - instead saw "%s"' % (selector, value, text_field.get_attribute('value')))
def verify_text_of_el(self, selector, text):
if not self.is_text_equal(selector, text):
raise Exception('Text of %s not equal to "%s" - instead saw "%s"' % (selector, text, self.get_el(selector).text))
def verify_text_in_els(self, selector, text):
els = self.get_els(selector)
found_text = False
for el in els:
if text in el.text:
found_text = True
if not found_text:
raise Exception('Didnt find text: %s' % (text))
def verify_text_not_in_els(self, selector, text):
els = self.get_els(selector)
found_text = False
for el in els:
if text in el.text:
found_text = True
if found_text:
raise Exception('Found text: %s' % (text))
def is_button_enabled(self, selector):
return (self.get_el(selector).get_attribute('disabled') == 'false')
def check_title(self, title):
return self.driver.title == title or self.driver.title == ' ' + title
def wait_for(self, condition):
self.waiter.until(lambda driver: condition())
def check_num(self, selector, num):
els = self.get_els(selector)
return len(els) == num
def wait_for_num_els(self, selector, num):
self.waiter.until(lambda driver: self.check_num(selector, num))
except TimeoutException:
raise Exception('Never saw %s number of els for %s' % (num, selector))
def wait_for_visible(self, selector):
self.waiter.until(lambda driver: self.is_el_visible(selector))
except TimeoutException:
raise Exception('Never saw element %s become visible' % (selector))
def wait_for_hidden(self, selector):
self.waiter.until(lambda driver: not self.is_el_visible(selector))
except TimeoutException:
raise Exception('Never saw element %s become hidden' % (selector))
def wait_for_button(self, selector):
self.waiter.until(lambda driver: self.is_button_enabled(selector))
except TimeoutException:
raise Exception('Never saw button %s enabled' % (selector))
def wait_for_text(self, selector, text):
self.waiter.until(lambda driver: self.is_text_equal(selector, text))
except TimeoutException:
raise Exception('Never saw text %s for %s' % (text, selector))
def wait_for_el(self, selector):
self.waiter.until(lambda driver: self.is_el_present(selector))
except TimeoutException:
raise Exception('Never saw element %s' % (selector))
def wait_for_title(self, title):
self.waiter.until(lambda driver: self.check_title(title))
except TimeoutException:
raise Exception('Never saw title change to %s' % (title))
def __init__(self, driver, waiter):
self.driver = driver
self.waiter = waiter
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