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Last active February 28, 2025 22:30
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Custom Zig Test Runner, better ouput, timing display, and support for special "tests:beforeAll" and "tests:afterAll" tests
// Changed Jan 29, 2025 to accomodate latest Zig changes
// See history if you're using an older version of Zig.
// in your build.zig, you can specify a custom test runner:
// const tests = b.addTest(.{
// .target = target,
// .optimize = optimize,
// .test_runner = .{ .path = b.path("test_runner.zig"), .mode = .simple }, // add this line
// .root_source_file = b.path("src/main.zig"),
// });
const std = @import("std");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
const BORDER = "=" ** 80;
// use in custom panic handler
var current_test: ?[]const u8 = null;
pub fn main() !void {
var mem: [8192]u8 = undefined;
var fba = std.heap.FixedBufferAllocator.init(&mem);
const allocator = fba.allocator();
const env = Env.init(allocator);
defer env.deinit(allocator);
var slowest = SlowTracker.init(allocator, 5);
defer slowest.deinit();
var pass: usize = 0;
var fail: usize = 0;
var skip: usize = 0;
var leak: usize = 0;
const printer = Printer.init();
printer.fmt("\r\x1b[0K", .{}); // beginning of line and clear to end of line
for (builtin.test_functions) |t| {
if (isSetup(t)) {
t.func() catch |err| {
printer.status(.fail, "\nsetup \"{s}\" failed: {}\n", .{, err });
return err;
for (builtin.test_functions) |t| {
if (isSetup(t) or isTeardown(t)) {
var status = Status.pass;
const is_unnamed_test = isUnnamed(t);
if (env.filter) |f| {
if (!is_unnamed_test and std.mem.indexOf(u8,, f) == null) {
const friendly_name = blk: {
const name =;
var it = std.mem.splitScalar(u8, name, '.');
while ( |value| {
if (std.mem.eql(u8, value, "test")) {
const rest =;
break :blk if (rest.len > 0) rest else name;
break :blk name;
current_test = friendly_name;
std.testing.allocator_instance = .{};
const result = t.func();
current_test = null;
const ns_taken = slowest.endTiming(friendly_name);
if (std.testing.allocator_instance.deinit() == .leak) {
leak += 1;
printer.status(.fail, "\n{s}\n\"{s}\" - Memory Leak\n{s}\n", .{ BORDER, friendly_name, BORDER });
if (result) |_| {
pass += 1;
} else |err| switch (err) {
error.SkipZigTest => {
skip += 1;
status = .skip;
else => {
status = .fail;
fail += 1;
printer.status(.fail, "\n{s}\n\"{s}\" - {s}\n{s}\n", .{ BORDER, friendly_name, @errorName(err), BORDER });
if (@errorReturnTrace()) |trace| {
if (env.fail_first) {
if (env.verbose) {
const ms = @as(f64, @floatFromInt(ns_taken)) / 1_000_000.0;
printer.status(status, "{s} ({d:.2}ms)\n", .{ friendly_name, ms });
} else {
printer.status(status, ".", .{});
for (builtin.test_functions) |t| {
if (isTeardown(t)) {
t.func() catch |err| {
printer.status(.fail, "\nteardown \"{s}\" failed: {}\n", .{, err });
return err;
const total_tests = pass + fail;
const status = if (fail == 0) Status.pass else;
printer.status(status, "\n{d} of {d} test{s} passed\n", .{ pass, total_tests, if (total_tests != 1) "s" else "" });
if (skip > 0) {
printer.status(.skip, "{d} test{s} skipped\n", .{ skip, if (skip != 1) "s" else "" });
if (leak > 0) {
printer.status(.fail, "{d} test{s} leaked\n", .{ leak, if (leak != 1) "s" else "" });
printer.fmt("\n", .{});
try slowest.display(printer);
printer.fmt("\n", .{});
std.posix.exit(if (fail == 0) 0 else 1);
const Printer = struct {
out: std.fs.File.Writer,
fn init() Printer {
return .{
.out =,
fn fmt(self: Printer, comptime format: []const u8, args: anytype) void {
std.fmt.format(self.out, format, args) catch unreachable;
fn status(self: Printer, s: Status, comptime format: []const u8, args: anytype) void {
const color = switch (s) {
.pass => "\x1b[32m",
.fail => "\x1b[31m",
.skip => "\x1b[33m",
else => "",
const out = self.out;
out.writeAll(color) catch @panic("writeAll failed?!");
std.fmt.format(out, format, args) catch @panic("std.fmt.format failed?!");
self.fmt("\x1b[0m", .{});
const Status = enum {
const SlowTracker = struct {
const SlowestQueue = std.PriorityDequeue(TestInfo, void, compareTiming);
max: usize,
slowest: SlowestQueue,
timer: std.time.Timer,
fn init(allocator: Allocator, count: u32) SlowTracker {
const timer = std.time.Timer.start() catch @panic("failed to start timer");
var slowest = SlowestQueue.init(allocator, {});
slowest.ensureTotalCapacity(count) catch @panic("OOM");
return .{
.max = count,
.timer = timer,
.slowest = slowest,
const TestInfo = struct {
ns: u64,
name: []const u8,
fn deinit(self: SlowTracker) void {
fn startTiming(self: *SlowTracker) void {
fn endTiming(self: *SlowTracker, test_name: []const u8) u64 {
var timer = self.timer;
const ns = timer.lap();
var slowest = &self.slowest;
if (slowest.count() < self.max) {
// Capacity is fixed to the # of slow tests we want to track
// If we've tracked fewer tests than this capacity, than always add
slowest.add(TestInfo{ .ns = ns, .name = test_name }) catch @panic("failed to track test timing");
return ns;
// Optimization to avoid shifting the dequeue for the common case
// where the test isn't one of our slowest.
const fastest_of_the_slow = slowest.peekMin() orelse unreachable;
if (fastest_of_the_slow.ns > ns) {
// the test was faster than our fastest slow test, don't add
return ns;
// the previous fastest of our slow tests, has been pushed off.
_ = slowest.removeMin();
slowest.add(TestInfo{ .ns = ns, .name = test_name }) catch @panic("failed to track test timing");
return ns;
fn display(self: *SlowTracker, printer: Printer) !void {
var slowest = self.slowest;
const count = slowest.count();
printer.fmt("Slowest {d} test{s}: \n", .{ count, if (count != 1) "s" else "" });
while (slowest.removeMinOrNull()) |info| {
const ms = @as(f64, @floatFromInt(info.ns)) / 1_000_000.0;
printer.fmt(" {d:.2}ms\t{s}\n", .{ ms, });
fn compareTiming(context: void, a: TestInfo, b: TestInfo) std.math.Order {
_ = context;
return std.math.order(a.ns, b.ns);
const Env = struct {
verbose: bool,
fail_first: bool,
filter: ?[]const u8,
fn init(allocator: Allocator) Env {
return .{
.verbose = readEnvBool(allocator, "TEST_VERBOSE", true),
.fail_first = readEnvBool(allocator, "TEST_FAIL_FIRST", false),
.filter = readEnv(allocator, "TEST_FILTER"),
fn deinit(self: Env, allocator: Allocator) void {
if (self.filter) |f| {;
fn readEnv(allocator: Allocator, key: []const u8) ?[]const u8 {
const v = std.process.getEnvVarOwned(allocator, key) catch |err| {
if (err == error.EnvironmentVariableNotFound) {
return null;
std.log.warn("failed to get env var {s} due to err {}", .{ key, err });
return null;
return v;
fn readEnvBool(allocator: Allocator, key: []const u8, deflt: bool) bool {
const value = readEnv(allocator, key) orelse return deflt;
return std.ascii.eqlIgnoreCase(value, "true");
pub const panic = std.debug.FullPanic(struct {
pub fn panicFn(msg: []const u8, first_trace_addr: ?usize) noreturn {
if (current_test) |ct| {
std.debug.print("\x1b[31m{s}\npanic running \"{s}\"\n{s}\x1b[0m\n", .{ BORDER, ct, BORDER });
std.debug.defaultPanic(msg, first_trace_addr);
fn isUnnamed(t: std.builtin.TestFn) bool {
const marker = ".test_";
const test_name =;
const index = std.mem.indexOf(u8, test_name, marker) orelse return false;
_ = std.fmt.parseInt(u32, test_name[index + marker.len ..], 10) catch return false;
return true;
fn isSetup(t: std.builtin.TestFn) bool {
return std.mem.endsWith(u8,, "tests:beforeAll");
fn isTeardown(t: std.builtin.TestFn) bool {
return std.mem.endsWith(u8,, "tests:afterAll");
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2lchain commented Jul 15, 2024


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Very interesting, thanks for sharing!

The continue for the is_unnamed_test case, will discard information about such tests, no?
pass, fail or leak will not be incremented, since the following block is before them all:

        if (is_unnamed_test) {

Shouldn't a leak be considered has a failure?

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@oliverpool I think you're right that it's best to leave that out and just report unnamed tests, with their weird names, like any other. It's been updated, cheers.

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Hey, very interesting, thanks for sharing!
For anyone reading in the future, I noticed two things in zig 0.13.0 at least:

  1. To add the test runner you should use b.path("test_runner.zig")
  2. std.debug.defaultPanic has been deprecated (I could not find any mention to it anywhere 😅), it should be replaced with std.debug.panicImpl(error_return_trace, ret_addr, msg);

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Yes, having a 0.13 version is nice. For the sake of correctness, it's the opposite though:std.debug.defaultPanic hasn't been deprecated it's new. It was added about a month ago

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xiy commented Jan 13, 2025

Thanks, this is exactly what I was looking for!

One small change I needed to make for 0.14.0-dev (i haven't tested this on 0.13.0 yet). When adding the .test_runner in your build.zig, you need to use a Build.LazyPath, e.g:

    const lib_unit_tests = b.addTest(.{
        .root_source_file = b.path("src/root.zig"),
        .target = target,
        .optimize = optimize,
        .test_runner = b.path("test_runner.zig"), // use `Build.LazyPath` instead of string literal

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Yup, you're right @xiy . I've updated it. Thanks.

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What's the license on this?

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@SimonMeskens anything you want it to be. But let's say MIT if you work for a place that needs something well-defined.

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That's amazing, thanks! It also helps clarify this downstream project:

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