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#telnet into the drone (telnet | |
#paste the following command: | |
killall udhcpd; iwconfig ath0 mode managed essid [ssid]; ifconfig ath0 [wanted ip] netmask up; | |
#ex. killall udhcpd; iwconfig ath0 mode managed essid Roflcopter; ifconfig ath0 netmask up; |
What's not really clear here is that
a) you need to confirm that IP you want is available
b) to check the drone after doing this wait 30 sec-1min then connect to the wifi you wanted to use,
and try telnet [your-ip-of-choice]
If you find smth there, it might be your drone (especially if it lets you in)
I don't have a drone here so i cant tell you exactly what youll find,
i can try to do that next week.
Also, to make the drone a hotspot again, like @miguelolivaresmendez says, just unplug the battery and set it in again.
(Sorry y'all didnt see comments on this gist until now)
hi, I have some question about the technical issue. I have home router access point with password protected, and I have two drones, would like to connect them to my home router access point. may I know whether there is any way to do it since the router is password protected? are the links/info able to do the trick? I need some assist, thanks
Hey @yteo006, I realise this is an old post... However as I too was searching for a similar thing, you might find these precompiled scripts that add WPA2 support to be of some use too...
Link: https://github.com/daraosn/ardrone-wpa2
Cheers :)
I connected to the drone's wifi, used telnet and the above code, how can i confirm that the drone is connected to the new wifi?