This repository provides instructions on how to deploy an arbitrary number of vms on gcp with kubevirt, optionally with nested
- a gcp account and the corresponding service account json file
- an image with nested enabled (optional)
- kcli tool ( configured to point to gcp) with version >= 12.0
To gather your service account file:
- Select the "IAM" → "Service accounts" section within the Google Cloud Platform console.
- Select "Create Service account".
- Select "Project" → "Editor" as service account Role.
- Select "Furnish a new private key".
- Select "Save"
gcloud compute images create nested-centos7 --source-image-family centos-7 --source-image-project centos-cloud --licenses ""
- Select the "Networking" → "Network Services" → "Cloud DNS"
- Select "Create Zone"
- Put the same name as your domain, but with '-' instead
docker pull karmab/kcli
echo alias kcli=\'docker run -it --rm -v ~/.kcli:/root/.kcli:Z -v $SSH_AUTH_SOCK:/ssh-agent --env SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/ssh-agent karmab/kcli\' >> $HOME.bashrc
- copy your service account json file location to .kcli directory ( to ease sharing the file with the container)
- create a directory .kcli in your home directory and a file config.yml with the following content, specifying your serviceaccount json file location
client: mygcp
type: gcp
user: cnv
credentials: ~/.kcli/myproject.json
enabled: true
project: myproject
zone: us-central1-b
the plan file kubevirt.yml is the main artifact used to run the deployment
kcli plan -f kubevirt.yml -P nodes=10 cnvlab
this will create 10 vms, named student001,student002,...,student010 and populate them with scripts to deploy the corresponding feature an script will also be executed to install docker and pull relevant images
You can then use *
- kcli list*
- kcli ssh $INSTANCE
- kcli plan -d cnvlab # for deletion
- relaunch the same command with a different value for nodes so that extra instances get created
Parameter | Default Value |
domain | |
openshift_version | 3.10 |
kubevirt_version | v0.7.0-alpha.2 |
disk_size | 60 |
numcpus | 4 |
memory | 12288 |
nodes | 1 |
deploy | true |
nested | true |