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Created January 13, 2013 20:42
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Multiple analyzers and query fields in Elasticsearch for auto-completion
require 'tire'
# Tire.configure { logger STDERR, level: 'debug' }
Tire.index('movie-titles') do
create \
settings: {
index: {
analysis: {
tokenizer: {
title_tokenizer: {
type: 'whitespace'
filter: {
title_ngram_filter: {
type: 'edgeNGram',
min_gram: 1,
max_gram: 16,
side: 'front'
analyzer: {
title_default_analyzer: {
type: 'custom',
tokenizer: 'title_tokenizer',
filter: ['lowercase', 'asciifolding']
title_snowball_analyzer: {
type: 'custom',
tokenizer: 'title_tokenizer',
filter: ['lowercase', 'asciifolding', 'snowball']
title_shingle_analyzer: {
type: 'custom',
tokenizer: 'title_tokenizer',
filter: ['shingle', 'lowercase', 'asciifolding']
title_ngram_analyzer: {
type: 'custom',
tokenizer: 'title_tokenizer',
filter: ['lowercase', 'asciifolding', 'title_ngram_filter']
title_search_analyzer: {
type: 'custom',
tokenizer: 'title_tokenizer',
filter: ['lowercase', 'asciifolding']
mappings: {
document: {
properties: {
title: {
type: 'multi_field',
fields: {
title: { type: 'string', analyzer: 'title_default_analyzer' },
stemmed: { type: 'string', analyzer: 'title_snowball_analyzer' },
shingles: { type: 'string', analyzer: 'title_shingle_analyzer' },
ngrams: { type: 'string', index_analyzer: 'title_ngram_analyzer', search_analyzer: 'title_search_analyzer' }
store id: 1, title: "The Lord of the Rings"
store id: 2, title: "Lord of the Flies"
store id: 3, title: "The Ring"
store id: 4, title: "Lords of Dogtown"
store id: 5, title: "The Postman Always Rings Twice"
queries = [
'lord of the rin',
'lord of the r',
'lord of r',
'lord ring',
'lord rin',
'lo ri',
queries.each do |q|
puts '='*80,
"QUERY: '#{q}'",
s ='movie-titles') do
query do
match ['title^10', 'title.snowball^2', 'title.shingles^2', 'title.ngrams'], q, operator: 'and'
explain true
s.results.each do |result|
puts "#{result.title.ljust(30)} (Score: #{result._score})",
# result._explanation,
QUERY: 'lord of the rin'
The Lord of the Rings (Score: 0.008028548)
QUERY: 'lord of the r'
The Lord of the Rings (Score: 0.008028548)
QUERY: 'lord of r'
The Lord of the Rings (Score: 0.005668437)
QUERY: 'lord ring'
The Lord of the Rings (Score: 0.0039382037)
QUERY: 'lord rin'
The Lord of the Rings (Score: 0.0039382037)
QUERY: 'lo ri'
The Lord of the Rings (Score: 0.002912885)
QUERY: 'lord'
Lord of the Flies (Score: 0.15342641)
The Lord of the Rings (Score: 0.13424811)
Lords of Dogtown (Score: 0.0023539662)
QUERY: 'lo'
Lords of Dogtown (Score: 0.0023539662)
Lord of the Flies (Score: 0.0023539662)
The Lord of the Rings (Score: 0.0020597205)
QUERY: 'rings'
The Postman Always Rings Twice (Score: 0.13424811)
The Lord of the Rings (Score: 0.13424811)
QUERY: 'ring'
The Ring (Score: 0.19178301)
The Lord of the Rings (Score: 0.0020597205)
The Postman Always Rings Twice (Score: 0.0017654747)
QUERY: 'rin'
The Ring (Score: 0.0035309494)
The Lord of the Rings (Score: 0.0020597205)
The Postman Always Rings Twice (Score: 0.0017654747)
QUERY: 'ri'
The Ring (Score: 0.0035309494)
The Lord of the Rings (Score: 0.0020597205)
The Postman Always Rings Twice (Score: 0.0017654747)
QUERY: 'r'
The Ring (Score: 0.0035309494)
The Lord of the Rings (Score: 0.0020597205)
The Postman Always Rings Twice (Score: 0.0017654747)
[Finished in 4.1s]
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Is title.snowball at meant to say title.stemmed?

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Brilliant one ! Adding fuzziness along with this made good auto complete for my search.

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n8yeung commented Sep 23, 2016

Which version of ElasticSearch is this for?

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Guys... just made a pertty close analysers like this, but when I try to search with a long string (like the result of ''lord of the rin'' ), it´s not returnig just the unique one, it is returning all regs.

Just posted on stackoverflow,

If someone can help I would be grateful.


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Thank you, this was helpful, but might need to be updated since there are many changes in current version of ES.

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Thank God!. I searched "elasticsearch mapping multiple custom analyzers" on google. Finally found it! You saved tons of my time. Thank you!

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