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Created August 10, 2019 10:46
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withSuspense() HOC for React.lazy() + React.Suspense
import React from 'react';
import { CircularProgress, LinearProgress } from '@material-ui/core/';
* Wraps the React Component with React.Suspense and FallbackComponent while loading.
* @param {React.Component} WrappedComponent - lazy loading component to wrap.
* @param {React.Component} FallbackComponent - component to show while the WrappedComponent is loading.
export const withSuspense = (WrappedComponent, FallbackComponent = null) => {
return class extends React.Component {
render() {
if (!FallbackComponent) FallbackComponent = <LinearProgress />; // by default
return (
<React.Suspense fallback={FallbackComponent}>
<WrappedComponent {...this.props} />
// Usage
const lazySomeComponent = React.lazy(() => import('./xxx/SomeComponent'));
export const SomeComponent = withSuspense(lazySomeComponent);
export const SomeComponentWithCircularProgress = withSuspense(lazySomeComponent, <CircularProgress />);
export const SomeComponentWithDiv = withSuspense(lazySomeComponent, <div>Loading...</div>);
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UladzKha commented Dec 30, 2021

Hey, thanks for this!
I have small suggestion: you can replace null with <LinearProgress /> in ...withSuspense = (WrappedComponent, FallbackComponent = <LinearProgress />) => ....

and you can get rid of check if its null if (!FallbackComponent) FallbackComponent = <LinearProgress />; // by default

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Could be :)

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UladzKha commented Dec 30, 2021

@karpolan could you please help me ? Can I move import logic into the HOC ? I mean to move const lazySomeComponent = React.lazt(() => import('path')); into the withSuspense method?

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karpolan commented Dec 30, 2021

You can, but in that case you need await loading...

I suggest to use following way:

import React from 'react';

 * Note: Don't import/export all Views directly, use lazy loading!
import { withSuspense } from '../components';
import NotFound from './NotFound';

 * Views/Pages with Lazy Loading
const Welcome = withSuspense(React.lazy(() => import('./Welcome')));
const About = withSuspense(React.lazy(() => import('./About')));
const MyProfile = withSuspense(React.lazy(() => import('./MyProfile')));

export { NotFound, Welcome, MyProfile, About };

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@karpolan many thanks!

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mz8i commented Jul 23, 2023

Nice! A comment on the naming - the argument you pass to Suspense's fallback prop is not actually a React component - it's a tree of React elements, in TS typed as ReactNode. So the naming FallbackComponent (capitalised, with "Component") is actually misleading - note you never write <FallbackComponent />. A better name for the second argument of the HOC would be simply fallback, or fallbackElement.

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Lazeta commented Dec 25, 2024

or for functional component :

import React from 'react';
import { CircularProgress, LinearProgress } from '@material-ui/core/';


  • Wraps the React Component with React.Suspense and FallbackComponent while loading.
  • @param {React.Component} WrappedComponent - lazy loading component to wrap.
  • @param {React.Component} FallbackComponent - component to show while the WrappedComponent is loading.
    const withSuspense = (WrappedComponent, FallbackComponent = ) => {
    return (props) => (
    <React.Suspense fallback={FallbackComponent}>
    <WrappedComponent {...props} />

// Usage
const lazySomeComponent = React.lazy(() => import('./xxx/SomeComponent'));

export const SomeComponent = withSuspense(lazySomeComponent);
export const SomeComponentWithCircularProgress = withSuspense(lazySomeComponent, );
export const SomeComponentWithDiv = withSuspense(lazySomeComponent,


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