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Created December 7, 2012 21:34
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#' Description not yet complete since function isn't.
#'@param x matrix of (multi-variate) time-series in columns. For 'pgram' - which assumes even sampling - x must be a time-series (ts) object with the sampling frequency specified. Although 'lombscargle' will also work on a ts object, a ts object assumes even sampling and therefore can't be used. If 'lombscargle' is used on evenly sampled data, virtually the same result as the 'pgram' method will be returned.
#'@param type Method used to estimate spectral density. Options are 'pgram' or 'lombscargle' (default) or 'fft' (from cts package - not checked for correctness).
#'@param time_s (optional, required for Lomb-Scargle) Vector of time-points. time_s points may be unevenly spaced, but for multi-species time-series are assumed to the same for all species.
#'@param spans <what param does>
#'@param kernel <what param does>
#'@param taper = 0.1 <what param does>
#'@param pad = 0 <what param does>
#'@param fast <what param does>
#'@param demean <what param does>
#'@param detrend <what param does>
#'@param scale T/F(default) - normalize each time series to its standard deviation (should be run with either demean=TRUE or detrend=TRUE).
#'@param normalize Default is \code{FALSE}
#'@param logt T/F - Transform data by adding 1 and log-transforming. This is performed before additional transformations
#'@param plot <wMusic For Programming
#'@param na.action = na.pass <what param does>
#'@param Smethod (optional) Method to stabilize the spectral matrix before inversion in calculating partial coherence. Specify either 'none','upweighted' (the default..until shrinkage is improved), or'shrinkage' to use either diagonal up-weighting or shrinkage estimation.
#'@param zeta (optional) diagonal up-weighting parameter. (Medkour et al. use values of 10^-6 to 10^-2.)
#'@param LSup <what param does>
#'@param ... <what param does>
#'@return In addition to that of stats:spec.pgram, also calulates each frequency's sprectral matrix and partial coherence.
#'@examples \dontrun{
#' mvspec2b(foo) # where foo is an object of class AggMean.
mvspec2b <- function(x, type = "lombscargle", time_s = NULL, spans = 3,
kernel = NULL, taper = 0.1, pad = 0, fast = TRUE, demean = FALSE, detrend = TRUE,
scale = FALSE, normalize = FALSE, logt = FALSE, plot = FALSE, na.action = na.pass, Smethod = "upweighted",
zeta = 10^-2, LSup = NULL, ...) {
message(sprintf("normalize %s, logt %s, demean %s \n", normalize, logt, demean))
series <- deparse(substitute(x))
x <- na.action(as.ts(x))
xfreq <- frequency(x)
if (type == "pgram" & sum( == TRUE) {
x <- na.omit(x)
if (!is.null(na.action(x))) {
warning("Some time points were removed due to missing variables. To avoid losing points, try using \"lomb-scargle\" method instead.")
ts <- convert_to_lon(x)
time_s <- attributes(ts$ldata)$time
if (!is.null(time_s)) {
tn <- time_s
xfreq <- 1/min(diff(tn))
if (type == "lombscargle" && is.null(time_s)) {
stop("Must provide time-points for Lomb-Scargle method")
N <- N0 <- nrow(x)
nser <- ncol(x)
if (!is.null(spans))
kernel <- {
if (is.tskernel(spans))
spans else kernel("modified.daniell", spans%/%2)
if (!is.null(kernel) && !is.tskernel(kernel))
stop("must specify spans or a valid kernel")
if (logt) {
message("Going into log")
x <- log(x + 1)
if (detrend) {
if (type != "lombscargle") {
t <- 1:N - (N + 1)/2
sumt2 <- N * (N^2 - 1)/12
if (type == "lombscargle") {
t <- tn - mean(tn)
sumt2 <- sum(t^2)
for (i in 1:ncol(x)) x[, i] <- x[, i] - mean(x[, i], na.rm = TRUE) - sum(x[,
i] * t, na.rm = TRUE) * t/sumt2
} else if (demean) {
x <- sweep(x, 2, colMeans(x, na.rm = TRUE), check.margin = FALSE)
if (scale) {
x <- scale(x, center = FALSE, scale = apply(x, 2, sd, na.rm = TRUE))
if (normalize) {
x <- apply(x, 2, function(z) { (z - min(z, na.rm = TRUE)) /
(max(z, na.rm = TRUE) - min(z, na.rm = TRUE)) } )
x <- spec.taper(x, taper)
u2 <- (1 - (5/8) * taper * 2)
u4 <- (1 - (93/128) * taper * 2)
if (pad > 0) {
x <- rbind(x, matrix(0, nrow = N * pad, ncol = ncol(x)))
N <- nrow(x)
NewN <- if (fast)
nextn(N) else N
x <- rbind(x, matrix(0, nrow = (NewN - N), ncol = ncol(x)))
N <- nrow(x)
Nspec <- floor(N/2)
freq <- seq(from = xfreq/N, by = xfreq/N, length = Nspec)
pgram <- array(NA, dim = c(N, ncol(x), ncol(x)))
if (type == "pgram") {
xfft <- mvfft(x)
for (i in 1:ncol(x)) {
for (j in 1:ncol(x)) {
pgram[, i, j] <- xfft[, i] * Conj(xfft[, j])/(N0 * xfreq)
pgram[1, i, j] <- 0.5 * (pgram[2, i, j] + pgram[N, i, j])
if (type == "lombscargle") {
# Lomb-Scargle Discrete Fourier Transform (proposed by Scargle 1982, 1989). This implementation follows Schulz and Stattegger (1997) eqns 1a-e, expcept that it does not implement the Welch-Overlapped-Segment-Averaging method (since the time series we plan to analyse are relatively short).
freq.temp <- seq(from = xfreq/N, by = xfreq/N, length = N)
Xk <- array(NA, dim = c(N, ncol(x)))
for (i in 1:ncol(x)) {
for (k in 1:length(freq.temp)) {
omega <- 2 * pi * freq.temp[k]
tao <- 1/(2 * omega) * atan(sum(sin(2 * omega * tn))/sum(cos(2 *
omega * tn)))
tf <- tn[1] - tao # assuming all variables are sampled at same time points
F0 <- (1/sqrt(2)) * exp((0 + (0 + (0 + (0+1i)))) * omega * (tf))
A <- (sum((cos(omega * (tn - tao)))^2))^(-0.5)
B <- (sum((sin(omega * (tn - tao)))^2))^(-0.5)
Xk[k, i] <- F0 * sum(A * x[1:length(tn), i] * cos(omega * (tn - tao)) +
(0 + (0 + (0 + (0+1i)))) * B * x[1:length(tn), i] * sin(omega *
(tn - tao)), na.rm = TRUE)
for (i in 1:ncol(x)) {
for (j in 1:ncol(x)) {
pgram[, i, j] <- Xk[, i] * Conj(Xk[, j])/(N0 * xfreq)
pgram[1, i, j] <- 0.5 * (pgram[2, i, j] + pgram[N, i, j])
# from cts package:
if (type == "fft") {
for (i in 1:ncol(x)) {
for (j in 1:ncol(x)) {
for (k in 1:length(freq.temp)) omega <- 2 * pi * freq.temp[k]
pgram[k, i, j] <- ((sum(x[1:length(tn), i] * cos(omega * tn)))^2 +
(sum(x[1:length(tn), i] * sin(omega * tn)))^2)/N
rpgram <- pgram # save raw periodogram for shrinkage estimation
if (!is.null(kernel)) {
for (i in 1:ncol(x)) {
for (j in 1:ncol(x)) {
pgram[, i, j] <- kernapply(pgram[, i, j], kernel, circular = TRUE)
df <- df.kernel(kernel)
bandwidth <- bandwidth.kernel(kernel)
} else {
df <- 2
bandwidth <- sqrt(1/12)
df <- df/(u4/u2^2)
df <- df * (N0/N)
bandwidth <- bandwidth * xfreq/N
# Not sure why following should differ, but they return correct frequencies for each.
if (type == "pgram")
pgram <- pgram[2:(Nspec + 1), , , drop = FALSE]
} # from spec.pgram
if (type != "pgram")
pgram <- pgram[1:(Nspec), , , drop = FALSE]
} # from
spec <- matrix(NA, nrow = Nspec, ncol = nser)
for (i in 1:nser) {
spec[, i] <- Re(pgram[1:Nspec, i, i])
if (nser == 1) {
coh <- phase <- NULL
} else {
coh <- phase <- matrix(NA, nrow = Nspec, ncol = nser * (nser - 1)/2)
for (i in 1:(nser - 1)) {
for (j in (i + 1):nser) {
coh[, i + (j - 1) * (j - 2)/2] <- Mod(pgram[, i, j])^2/(spec[, i] *
spec[, j])
phase[, i + (j - 1) * (j - 2)/2] <- Arg(pgram[, i, j])
for (i in 1:nser) spec[, i] <- spec[, i]/u2
spec <- drop(spec)
rfxxs <- array(NA, dim = c(nser, nser, Nspec))
if (Smethod == "shrinkage") {
rdf <- 2/(u4/u2^2) * (N0/N)
rbandwidth <- sqrt(1/12) * xfreq/N
rpgram <- rpgram[2:(Nspec + 1), , , drop = FALSE]
# rspec <- matrix(NA, nrow = Nspec, ncol = nser)
# for (i in 1:nser){ rspec[, i] <- Re(rpgram[1:Nspec, i, i]) }
for (k in 1:Nspec) {
rfxxs[, , k] <- Re(rpgram[k, , ])
# Stoffer's addition of spectral matrix and MN's addition of partial coherence
pcoh <- fxx <- array(NA, dim = c(nser, nser, Nspec))
shrink.wt <- Kappa <- rep(NA, length(Nspec))
for (k in 1:Nspec) {
fxx[, , k] <- Re(pgram[k, , ]) # Not sure this should be real part only, but fails for shrinkage method otherwise
if (nser == 1) {
pcoh <- shrink.wt <- Kappa <- NULL
} else {
pcoh.t <- pcoh(fxx[, , k], k, Smethod = Smethod, zeta = zeta, span = spans,
rfxxs = rfxxs)
pcoh[, , k] <- pcoh.t$pcoh
shrink.wt[k] <- pcoh.t$shrink.wt
Kappa[k] <- pcoh.t$Kappa
if (Smethod != "shrinkage") {
shrink.wt <- NULL
spg.out <- list(freq = freq, spec = spec, coh = coh, phase = phase, pcoh = pcoh,
kernel = kernel, df = df, bandwidth = bandwidth, n.used = N, fxx = fxx, rfxxs = rfxxs,
orig.n = N0, series = series, snames = colnames(x), type = type, method = ifelse(!is.null(kernel),
"Smoothed Periodogram", "Raw Periodogram"), taper = taper, pad = pad,
detrend = detrend, demean = demean, Smethod = Smethod, zeta = zeta, shrink.wt = shrink.wt,
Kappa = Kappa)
class(spg.out) <- "spec"
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