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Last active February 21, 2018 08:58
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Craft 3 Multilang Setup

In Craft CMS 3 there are some minor adjustements to make when setting up a localized website. The Old Guide to setup a localized Site is still valid with some differences.

File Setup

You have to create a language folder in the public directory with a .htaccess and a index.php

Let's say you want english as a second language with the url extension

  1. create a folder en.
  2. Copy .htaccess & index.php from the public folder into the en folder.


Replace the line define('CRAFT_BASE_PATH', dirname(__DIR__));

with define('CRAFT_BASE_PATH', dirname(__DIR__,2));

Define which language should be loaded when accessing /en/. And with language Craft 3 means Site: Therfore add define('CRAFT_SITE', 'yourSiteHandle'); to the index.php.

Remember. Languages are now Site based. Therefore you mustn't use the locale handle but the site Handle

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