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Forked from matpalm/
Created September 18, 2016 04:11
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# dump gpu stats as a line of json
# {"time": 1474168378.146957, "pci_tx": 146000, "pci_rx": 1508000,
# "gpu_util": 42, "mem_util": 24, "mem_used": 11710,
# "temp": 76, "fan_speed": 44 }
from collections import OrderedDict
import json
import subprocess
import sys
import time
import xml.etree.ElementTree
delay = float(sys.argv[1])
delay = 1
count = float(sys.argv[2])
count = None
def extract(elem, tag, drop_s):
text = elem.find(tag).text
if drop_s not in text: raise Exception(text)
return int(text.replace(drop_s, ""))
i = 0
while True:
d = OrderedDict()
d["time"] = time.time()
cmd = ['nvidia-smi', '-q', '-x']
cmd_out = subprocess.check_output(cmd)
gpu = xml.etree.ElementTree.fromstring(cmd_out).find("gpu")
pci = gpu.find("pci")
d["pci_tx"] = extract(pci, "tx_util", "KB/s")
d["pci_rx"] = extract(pci, "rx_util", "KB/s")
util = gpu.find("utilization")
d["gpu_util"] = extract(util, "gpu_util", "%")
d["mem_util"] = extract(util, "memory_util", "%")
d["mem_used"] = extract(gpu.find("fb_memory_usage"), "used", "MiB")
d["temp"] = extract(gpu.find("temperature"), "gpu_temp", "C")
d["fan_speed"] = extract(gpu, "fan_speed", "%")
print json.dumps(d)
if count != None:
i += 1
if i == count:
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