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Forked from mlalevic/
Created April 4, 2017 22:01
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Simple Python implementation of dynamic programming algorithm for the Traveling salesman problem
def solve_tsp_dynamic(points):
#calc all lengths
all_distances = [[length(x,y) for y in points] for x in points]
#initial value - just distance from 0 to every other point + keep the track of edges
A = {(frozenset([0, idx+1]), idx+1): (dist, [0,idx+1]) for idx,dist in enumerate(all_distances[0][1:])}
cnt = len(points)
for m in range(2, cnt):
B = {}
for S in [frozenset(C) | {0} for C in itertools.combinations(range(1, cnt), m)]:
for j in S - {0}:
B[(S, j)] = min( [(A[(S-{j},k)][0] + all_distances[k][j], A[(S-{j},k)][1] + [j]) for k in S if k != 0 and k!=j]) #this will use 0th index of tuple for ordering, the same as if key=itemgetter(0) used
A = B
res = min([(A[d][0] + all_distances[0][d[1]], A[d][1]) for d in iter(A)])
return res[1]
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