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Last active March 27, 2021 12:58
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Matrix factorization code related to matrix completion
# (C) Kyle Kastner, June 2014
# License: BSD 3 clause
import numpy as np
from scipy import sparse
def minibatch_indices(X, minibatch_size):
minibatch_indices = np.arange(0, len(X), minibatch_size)
minibatch_indices = np.asarray(list(minibatch_indices) + [len(X)])
start_indices = minibatch_indices[:-1]
end_indices = minibatch_indices[1:]
return zip(start_indices, end_indices)
def shuffle_in_unison(a, b):
rng_state = np.random.get_state()
def PMF(X, rank=10, learning_rate=0.001, momentum=0.8,
regularization=0.25, minibatch_size=1000, max_epoch=1000,
nan_value=0, status_percentage=0.1, random_state=None):
Python implementation of Probabilistic Matrix Factorization (PMF).
X: numpy array or scipy.sparse coo matrix, shape (n_users, n_items)
Input data. If a dense array is passed in, it will be converted to a
sparse matrix by looking for all `nan_value` numbers and treating them
as empty.
rank: int, optional (default=10)
Rank of the low-rank factor matrices. A higher rank should result in a
better approximation, at the cost of more memory and slower computataion.
learning_rate: float, optional (default=0.001)
Learning rate for minibatch gradient descent.
momentum: float, optional (default=0.8)
Momentum for minibatch gradient descent.
regularization: float, optional (default=0.25)
L2 regularization penalty for minibatch gradient descent.
minibatch_size: int, optional (default=1000)
The size of each minibatch. If this is larger than size of the dataset,
will default to running over the whole dataset.
max_epoch: int, optional (default=1000)
The maximum number of epochs.
nan_value: int, optional (default=0)
This value will be masked out of the input for calculations
Should match the value considered the "not rated" in the dataset X.
status_percentage: float in (0, 1), optional (default=0.1)
The relative percentage of `max_epochs` when status will be printed.
For example, 0.1 is every 10%, 0.01 is every 1%, and so on. For
the default values of max_epoch=1000, status_percentage=0.1 this
is equivalent to a status print every 100 epochs.
random_state: RandomState, int, or None, optional (default=None)
Random state to pass in. Can be an int, None, or np.random.RandomState
U: array-like, shape (X.shape[0], rank)
Row basis for reconstruction.
reconstruction =, V.T) + X_mean
V: array-like, shape (X.shape[1], rank)
Column basis for reconstruction.
reconstruction =, V.T) + X_mean
X_mean: float
Global mean prediction, needed for reconstruction
reconstruction =, V.T) + X_mean
Based on code from Ruslan Salakhutdinov
Probabilistic Matrix Factorization, R. Salakhutdinov and A. Mnih,
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 20, 2008
if not sparse.isspmatrix_coo(X):
val_index = np.where(X != nan_value)
X = sparse.coo_matrix((X[val_index[0], val_index[1]],
(val_index[0], val_index[1])))
# Simplest prediction is the global mean
X_mean = X.mean()
lr = learning_rate
reg = regularization
mom = momentum
if random_state is None or type(random_state) is int:
random_state = np.random.RandomState(random_state)
N, M = X.shape
U = 0.1 * random_state.randn(N, rank)
V = 0.1 * random_state.randn(M, rank)
U_inc = np.zeros_like(U)
V_inc = np.zeros_like(V)
dU = np.zeros_like(U)
dV = np.zeros_like(V)
epoch = 0
status_inc = int(np.ceil(max_epoch * status_percentage))
print("Printing updates every %i epochs" % status_inc)
status_points = list(range(0, max_epoch, status_inc)) + [max_epoch - 1]
# Need this in order to index
X_s = X.tolil()
while epoch < max_epoch:
# Get indices for non-NaN values
r, c = X.nonzero()
mb_indices = minibatch_indices(zip(r, c), minibatch_size)
n_batches = len(mb_indices)
shuffle_in_unison(r, c)
mean_abs_err = 0.
for i, j in mb_indices:
# Reset derivative matrices each minibatch
dU[:, :] = 0.
dV[:, :] = 0.
# Slice out row and column indices
r_i = r[i:j]
c_i = c[i:j]
# Get data corresponding to the row and column indices
X_i = X_s[r_i, c_i].toarray().ravel() - X_mean
# Compute predictions
pred = np.sum(U[r_i] * V[c_i], axis=1)
# Compute how algorithm is doing
mean_abs_err += np.sum(np.abs(pred - X_i)) / (n_batches * (j - i))
# Loss has a tendency to be unstable, but is the "right thing"
# to monitor instead of sum_abs_err
# pred_loss = (pred - X_i) ** 2
# Compute gradients
grad_loss = 2 * (pred - X_i)
grad_U = grad_loss[:, None] * V[c_i] + reg * U[r_i]
grad_V = grad_loss[:, None] * U[r_i] + reg * V[c_i]
dU[r_i] = grad_U
dV[c_i] = grad_V
# Momentum storage
U_inc = mom * U_inc + lr * dU
V_inc = mom * V_inc + lr * dV
U -= U_inc
V -= V_inc
if epoch in status_points:
print("Epoch %i of %i" % (epoch + 1, max_epoch))
print("Mean absolute error %f" % (mean_abs_err))
epoch += 1
return U, V, X_mean
if __name__ == "__main__":
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
R = np.array([[5, 3, 0, 1],
[4, 0, 0, 1],
[1, 1, 0, 5],
[1, 0, 0, 4],
[0, 1, 5, 4]], dtype=float)
U, V, m = PMF(R, learning_rate=0.001, momentum=0.95,
minibatch_size=2, rank=5, max_epoch=250, random_state=1999)
R2 =, V.T) + m
plt.matshow(R * (R > 0))
plt.title("Ground truth ratings")
plt.matshow(R2 * (R > 0))
plt.title("Predicted ratings")
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hl8086 commented Mar 27, 2021

thanks for your post

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