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Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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Naive examples of streaming variance calculations
# (C) Kyle Kastner, June 2014
# License: BSD 3 clause
import numpy as np
# Using data from
X = np.array([600, 470, 170, 430, 300])
# Showing steps from basic to Welford's and batch
# See
# Simple formula
print("Simple calculation")
batch_var = np.sum((X - np.mean(X)) ** 2) / X.shape[0]
print("One-pass naive algorithm")
batch_var = (np.sum(X ** 2) - 1 / X.shape[0] * (np.sum(X)) ** 2) / X.shape[0]
# From John D. Cook
batch_mean = X[0]
batch_var = 0
n_samples = len(X)
for j in range(1, len(X[1:]) + 1):
old_mean = batch_mean
old_var = batch_var
batch_mean = old_mean + 1. / (j + 1) * (X[j] - old_mean)
batch_var = old_var + (X[j] - old_mean) * (X[j] - batch_mean)
batch_var /= n_samples
print("Youngs and Cramer")
# From
batch_sum = X[0]
batch_var = 0
n_samples = len(X)
for j in range(1, len(X[1:]) + 1):
batch_sum = batch_sum + X[j]
batch_var = batch_var + 1. / ((j + 1) * j) * ((j + 1) * X[j] - batch_sum) ** 2
batch_var /= n_samples
print("Batch Youngs and Cramer")
# From
idx = 2
m = len(X[:idx])
n = len(X[idx:])
n_samples = len(X)
b1_sum = np.sum(X[:idx])
b1_var = np.sum((X[:idx] - 1. / m * b1_sum) ** 2)
b2_sum = np.sum(X[idx:])
b2_var = np.sum((X[idx:] - 1. / n * b2_sum) ** 2)
batch_sum = b1_sum + b2_sum
partial_var = float(m) / (n * (m + n)) * (n / float(m) *
b1_sum - b2_sum) ** 2
batch_var = b1_var + b2_var + partial_var
batch_var /= n_samples
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