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Created August 26, 2017 14:43
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Fully works for all rounds
// TODO: Finish this up, test speed vs GPU vs emscripten transpiled C->asm.js
// Currently looking at the keccak function, which is given as input:
// input - in our case the "caveat emptor" string
// inlen - length of input = 13
// md - the buffer of 200 bytes we want to fill up
// stlen - length of uint64_t array with 25 elements = 200 bytes
// ( aka: output length we desire )
// Reading through the code there is:
// a temp buffer of 144 bytes
// a st buffer of 200 bytes
// rsiz = 136
// rsizw = 136 / 8 = 17
// rsiz and rsizw are "rate" and "rateInBytes" in the Keccak reference, but "rate"
// in Keccak reference is 1088, thus "rateInBytes" should be 136...?
// There is a loop which is sometimes skipped, but for now we will ignore it,
// it seems to move along the input and do some computations until it is only
// looking at input where input is lt rsiz (rsiz == 136)
// This loop seems only to be triggered when the input is gte rsiz (rsiz == 136)
// Afterwards we copy the input (or what's left of it) to the temp buffer
// Then we add a 1 to the end of what's been copied and pad the temp buffer up
// to rsiz size (i.e. until it is 136 bytes) with 0s
// Then we bitwise OR the last byte of rsiz (i.e. temp[rsiz-1]) with 0x80
// Then in a for loop for rsizw (rsizw == 17) rounds we do this
// in every iteration
// for every 8 bytes of st,
// we set those 8 bytes to bitwise XOR of those 8 bytes with 8 bytes from temp
// Now we call keccakf on st with the number of Keccak Rounds set at 24
// Then we memcpy st into md and return (voila! keccak hash!)
// the keccakf function is given the following inputs:
// st - a buffer of 8 byte values with 25 values in it
// rounds - number of rounds (in our case 24)
// we then initialize the following vars
// t - an 8 byte value
// bc - a 5 value array of 8 byte values
// Thus, for each round there are 4 steps. I will leave the reading of this code
// up to you, since it is pretty descriptive in and of itself. Only here I will
// note possible speed up points
// In the Theta step, the second loop has you calculating 5 t values and successively
// XORing them with different values in st. It would probably be faster to calculate
// the 5 t values all at once (in an unrolled sort of way) and then successively
// XOR all the values in st all at once. (play with some XORing to make sure)
// In the Rho Pi step, I think having an extra variable is more readable than
// bc[0] = st[j]
// st[j] = blah(t, ajksf)
// t = bc[0]
// In the Chi step you can definitely shave off some loops, just need to experiment
// with how in a scratch C program.
// In the Iota step you are lastly taking a constant and XORing it with st[0]
// Congrats! Now you can implement a keccak hash in JavaScript (although it seems
// to differ a bit from the reference keccak hash)
// New place to see a good Keccak reference (all optimizations are there):
// (newer miner with ops)
// function keccak(input, inlen, md, mdlen) { //md, mdlen here not necessary. mdlen==200
function print64bit(hi, lo) {
hi = hi.toString(2);
lo = lo.toString(2);
if (hi.length < 32) {
var padding = 32 - hi.length;
for (var i = 0; i < padding; i++) {
hi = "0" + hi;
if (lo.length < 32) {
var padding = 32 - lo.length;
for (var i = 0; i < padding; i++) {
lo = "0" + lo;
console.log(hi + " " + lo);
module.exports = {
keccak: keccak
function keccak(input, inlen) {
const KECCAK_ROUNDS = 24;
const HASH_DATA_AREA = 136;
var state_buffer = new ArrayBuffer(200);
var st = new Uint32Array(state_buffer);
// original code runs on 64-bit data, since JS can only handle 32
// we divide by 4 (bytes) instead of 8 (bytes) as in original code
var rsizw = HASH_DATA_AREA/4;
// for loop which gets skipped on small inputs!!!
var end = 0;
var special_epochs = Math.floor(inlen / HASH_DATA_AREA);
if (special_epochs > 0) {
inlen = inlen % HASH_DATA_AREA;
for (var j = 0; j < special_epochs; ++j) {
var start = j*HASH_DATA_AREA;
end = start+HASH_DATA_AREA;
var temp = new Uint8Array(144);
temp.set(input.subarray(start, start+HASH_DATA_AREA));
var ttemp = new Uint32Array(temp.buffer);
for (i=0; i<rsizw; ++i) {
st[i] ^= ttemp[i];
keccakf(st, KECCAK_ROUNDS);
var temp = new Uint8Array(144);
temp[inlen++] = 1;
temp[HASH_DATA_AREA-1] |= 0x80;
var ttemp = new Uint32Array(temp.buffer);
// var ttemp = new Uint32Array(temp.buffer);
for (i=0; i<rsizw; ++i) {
if (i%2 == 1) {
print64bit(ttemp[i], ttemp[i-1]);
st[i] ^= ttemp[i];
keccakf(st, KECCAK_ROUNDS);
return state_buffer;
function keccakf(st, rounds) {
// const keccakf_piln = [10, 7, 11, 17, 18, 3, 5, 16, 8, 21, 24, 4,
// 15, 23, 19, 13, 12, 2, 20, 14, 22, 9, 6, 1 ];
// const keccakf_rotc = [1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 45, 55, 2, 14,
// 27, 41, 56, 8, 25, 43, 62, 18, 39, 61, 20, 44];
const keccakf_rndc = [0x00000000, 0x00000001, 0x00000000, 0x00008082, 0x80000000, 0x0000808a,
0x80000000, 0x80008000, 0x00000000, 0x0000808b, 0x00000000, 0x80000001,
0x80000000, 0x80008081, 0x80000000, 0x00008009, 0x00000000, 0x0000008a,
0x00000000, 0x00000088, 0x00000000, 0x80008009, 0x00000000, 0x8000000a,
0x00000000, 0x8000808b, 0x80000000, 0x0000008b, 0x80000000, 0x00008089,
0x80000000, 0x00008003, 0x80000000, 0x00008002, 0x80000000, 0x00000080,
0x00000000, 0x0000800a, 0x80000000, 0x8000000a, 0x80000000, 0x80008081,
0x80000000, 0x00008080, 0x00000000, 0x80000001, 0x80000000, 0x80008008];
// remember that st is a 32 bit array, NOT 64 like in the orig code
var t = new Uint32Array(2);
var bc = new Uint32Array(10);
for (var round=0; round<rounds; ++round) {
// Theta
bc[0] = st[0] ^ st[10] ^ st[20] ^ st[30] ^ st[40];
bc[1] = st[1] ^ st[11] ^ st[21] ^ st[31] ^ st[41];
bc[2] = st[2] ^ st[12] ^ st[22] ^ st[32] ^ st[42];
bc[3] = st[3] ^ st[13] ^ st[23] ^ st[33] ^ st[43];
bc[4] = st[4] ^ st[14] ^ st[24] ^ st[34] ^ st[44];
bc[5] = st[5] ^ st[15] ^ st[25] ^ st[35] ^ st[45];
bc[6] = st[6] ^ st[16] ^ st[26] ^ st[36] ^ st[46];
bc[7] = st[7] ^ st[17] ^ st[27] ^ st[37] ^ st[47];
bc[8] = st[8] ^ st[18] ^ st[28] ^ st[38] ^ st[48];
bc[9] = st[9] ^ st[19] ^ st[29] ^ st[39] ^ st[49];
for (var i=0; i<10; i+=2) { // must unroll loop as modulo 10 is expensive on GPU
var hi = bc[(i+3) % 10];
var lo = bc[(i+2) % 10];
t[0] = bc[(i+8) % 10] ^ rotl64_lo(hi, lo, 1);
t[1] = bc[(i+9) % 10] ^ rotl64_hi(hi, lo, 1);
st[i] ^= t[0];
st[i+1] ^= t[1];
st[i+10] ^= t[0];
st[i+11] ^= t[1];
st[i+20] ^= t[0];
st[i+21] ^= t[1];
st[i+30] ^= t[0];
st[i+31] ^= t[1];
st[i+40] ^= t[0];
st[i+41] ^= t[1];
// Rho Pi
t[0] = st[2];
t[1] = st[3];
st[ 2] = rotl64_lo(st[13], st[12], 44);
st[ 3] = rotl64_hi(st[13], st[12], 44);
st[12] = rotl64_lo(st[19], st[18], 20);
st[13] = rotl64_hi(st[19], st[18], 20);
st[18] = rotl64_lo(st[45], st[44], 61);
st[19] = rotl64_hi(st[45], st[44], 61);
st[44] = rotl64_lo(st[29], st[28], 39);
st[45] = rotl64_hi(st[29], st[28], 39);
st[28] = rotl64_lo(st[41], st[40], 18);
st[29] = rotl64_hi(st[41], st[40], 18);
st[40] = rotl64_lo(st[ 5], st[ 4], 62);
st[41] = rotl64_hi(st[ 5], st[ 4], 62);
st[ 4] = rotl64_lo(st[25], st[24], 43);
st[ 5] = rotl64_hi(st[25], st[24], 43);
st[24] = rotl64_lo(st[27], st[26], 25);
st[25] = rotl64_hi(st[27], st[26], 25);
st[26] = rotl64_lo(st[39], st[38], 8);
st[27] = rotl64_hi(st[39], st[38], 8);
st[38] = rotl64_lo(st[47], st[46], 56);
st[39] = rotl64_hi(st[47], st[46], 56);
st[46] = rotl64_lo(st[31], st[30], 41);
st[47] = rotl64_hi(st[31], st[30], 41);
st[30] = rotl64_lo(st[ 9], st[ 8], 27);
st[31] = rotl64_hi(st[ 9], st[ 8], 27);
st[ 8] = rotl64_lo(st[49], st[48], 14);
st[ 9] = rotl64_hi(st[49], st[48], 14);
st[48] = rotl64_lo(st[43], st[42], 2);
st[49] = rotl64_hi(st[43], st[42], 2);
st[42] = rotl64_lo(st[17], st[16], 55);
st[43] = rotl64_hi(st[17], st[16], 55);
st[16] = rotl64_lo(st[33], st[32], 45);
st[17] = rotl64_hi(st[33], st[32], 45);
st[32] = rotl64_lo(st[11], st[10], 36);
st[33] = rotl64_hi(st[11], st[10], 36);
st[10] = rotl64_lo(st[ 7], st[ 6], 28);
st[11] = rotl64_hi(st[ 7], st[ 6], 28);
st[ 6] = rotl64_lo(st[37], st[36], 21);
st[ 7] = rotl64_hi(st[37], st[36], 21);
st[36] = rotl64_lo(st[35], st[34], 15);
st[37] = rotl64_hi(st[35], st[34], 15);
st[34] = rotl64_lo(st[23], st[22], 10);
st[35] = rotl64_hi(st[23], st[22], 10);
st[22] = rotl64_lo(st[15], st[14], 6);
st[23] = rotl64_hi(st[15], st[14], 6);
st[14] = rotl64_lo(st[21], st[20], 3);
st[15] = rotl64_hi(st[21], st[20], 3);
st[20] = rotl64_lo(t[1], t[0], 1);
st[21] = rotl64_hi(t[1], t[0], 1);
// Chi
// Unrolling of the following loop (last iteration sets bc[0] thru bc[9])
// for (i=0; i<40; i+=10) {
// bc[0] = st[i];
// bc[1] = st[i+1];
// bc[2] = st[i+2];
// bc[3] = st[i+3];
// st[i ] ^= (~st[i+2]) & st[i+4];
// st[i+1] ^= (~st[i+3]) & st[i+5];
// st[i+2] ^= (~st[i+4]) & st[i+6];
// st[i+3] ^= (~st[i+5]) & st[i+7];
// st[i+4] ^= (~st[i+6]) & st[i+8];
// st[i+5] ^= (~st[i+7]) & st[i+9];
// st[i+6] ^= (~st[i+8]) & bc[0];
// st[i+7] ^= (~st[i+9]) & bc[1];
// st[i+8] ^= (~bc[0]) & bc[2];
// st[i+9] ^= (~bc[1]) & bc[3];
// }
i = 0;
bc[0] = st[i];
bc[1] = st[i+1];
bc[2] = st[i+2];
bc[3] = st[i+3];
st[i ] ^= (~st[i+2]) & st[i+4];
st[i+1] ^= (~st[i+3]) & st[i+5];
st[i+2] ^= (~st[i+4]) & st[i+6];
st[i+3] ^= (~st[i+5]) & st[i+7];
st[i+4] ^= (~st[i+6]) & st[i+8];
st[i+5] ^= (~st[i+7]) & st[i+9];
st[i+6] ^= (~st[i+8]) & bc[0];
st[i+7] ^= (~st[i+9]) & bc[1];
st[i+8] ^= (~bc[0]) & bc[2];
st[i+9] ^= (~bc[1]) & bc[3];
i = 10;
bc[0] = st[i];
bc[1] = st[i+1];
bc[2] = st[i+2];
bc[3] = st[i+3];
st[i ] ^= (~st[i+2]) & st[i+4];
st[i+1] ^= (~st[i+3]) & st[i+5];
st[i+2] ^= (~st[i+4]) & st[i+6];
st[i+3] ^= (~st[i+5]) & st[i+7];
st[i+4] ^= (~st[i+6]) & st[i+8];
st[i+5] ^= (~st[i+7]) & st[i+9];
st[i+6] ^= (~st[i+8]) & bc[0];
st[i+7] ^= (~st[i+9]) & bc[1];
st[i+8] ^= (~bc[0]) & bc[2];
st[i+9] ^= (~bc[1]) & bc[3];
i = 20;
bc[0] = st[i];
bc[1] = st[i+1];
bc[2] = st[i+2];
bc[3] = st[i+3];
st[i ] ^= (~st[i+2]) & st[i+4];
st[i+1] ^= (~st[i+3]) & st[i+5];
st[i+2] ^= (~st[i+4]) & st[i+6];
st[i+3] ^= (~st[i+5]) & st[i+7];
st[i+4] ^= (~st[i+6]) & st[i+8];
st[i+5] ^= (~st[i+7]) & st[i+9];
st[i+6] ^= (~st[i+8]) & bc[0];
st[i+7] ^= (~st[i+9]) & bc[1];
st[i+8] ^= (~bc[0]) & bc[2];
st[i+9] ^= (~bc[1]) & bc[3];
i = 30;
bc[0] = st[i];
bc[1] = st[i+1];
bc[2] = st[i+2];
bc[3] = st[i+3];
st[i ] ^= (~st[i+2]) & st[i+4];
st[i+1] ^= (~st[i+3]) & st[i+5];
st[i+2] ^= (~st[i+4]) & st[i+6];
st[i+3] ^= (~st[i+5]) & st[i+7];
st[i+4] ^= (~st[i+6]) & st[i+8];
st[i+5] ^= (~st[i+7]) & st[i+9];
st[i+6] ^= (~st[i+8]) & bc[0];
st[i+7] ^= (~st[i+9]) & bc[1];
st[i+8] ^= (~bc[0]) & bc[2];
st[i+9] ^= (~bc[1]) & bc[3];
i = 40;
bc[0] = st[i];
bc[1] = st[i+1];
bc[2] = st[i+2];
bc[3] = st[i+3];
bc[4] = st[i+4];
bc[5] = st[i+5];
bc[6] = st[i+6];
bc[7] = st[i+7];
bc[8] = st[i+8];
bc[9] = st[i+9];
st[i ] ^= (~st[i+2]) & st[i+4];
st[i+1] ^= (~st[i+3]) & st[i+5];
st[i+2] ^= (~st[i+4]) & st[i+6];
st[i+3] ^= (~st[i+5]) & st[i+7];
st[i+4] ^= (~st[i+6]) & st[i+8];
st[i+5] ^= (~st[i+7]) & st[i+9];
st[i+6] ^= (~st[i+8]) & bc[0];
st[i+7] ^= (~st[i+9]) & bc[1];
st[i+8] ^= (~bc[0]) & bc[2];
st[i+9] ^= (~bc[1]) & bc[3];
// Iota
var round_index = round*2;
st[0] ^= keccakf_rndc[round_index+1];
st[1] ^= keccakf_rndc[round_index];
return st;
// function to rotate two 32 bit ints (as if they are one 64 bit int)
// n is never 0, so we don't check for that case
// Because of Javascript treating all bitwise operations as done on
// *signed* 32-bit integers, we need to sprinkle in many ">>> 0" ops
// throughout the code and we also have to always shift by ">>>" not ">>"
// see here:
function rotl64_hi(hi, lo, offset) {
if (offset & 0x20) { // if offset >= 32 we switch lo and hi
lo ^= hi;
hi ^= lo;
lo ^= hi;
return (((hi << offset) >>> 0) | (lo >>> (32 - offset))) >>> 0;
function rotl64_lo(hi, lo, offset) {
if (offset & 0x20) { // if offset >= 32 we switch lo and hi
lo ^= hi;
hi ^= lo;
lo ^= hi;
return (((lo << offset) >>> 0) | (hi >>> (32 - offset))) >>> 0;
// i think some of the convenience functions from
// would be a good place to look to make this easier to implement
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